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Adam Matthew Cowden (PhD)

I'm a continuing PhD student of the MAS (Molecular Analytical Science) Centre for Doctoral Training at Warwick, on a 4-year integrated MSc and PhD programme. In the MSc year I completed two projects that involved the isolation of natural products: firstly the characterisation of a range of highly oxygenated carbohydrates from wood and plant material, and secondly a family of molecules called mycosporines that were extracted from marine algae and appear to play the role of Nature's own sunscreens. I chose to continue the latter project into a PhD with the Stavros Group. Inspired by mycosporine-like amino acids from seaweeds with interesting properties, we aim to unravel their photodynamics with ultrafast laser spectroscopy and to synthesise molecules with similar properties.

Link to MAS student page (Opens in new window)