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Diamond is a material of such diverse application, who knows what it is capable of achieving?
Who knows? You know.

The Diamond Science & Technology Centre for Doctoral Training (DST CDT) is a gateway to the best in the UK's diamond research. You could deepen your understanding of diamond's properties, and apply your knowledge of physics, engineering, chemistry, life sciences or materials. You could uncover new ways to utilise this material's unique structure. You could be at the international forefront of efforts to transform society through aerospace, or telecommunications, or electronics, or manufacturing….


Our National Centre of Excellence for graduate training in DST has diamond-based research at the core of all activities. The Centre involves a collaboration between nine UK universities and over thirty companies, keen to exploit the vast potential of diamond.

The DST CDT produces students with a skill set that matches the interdisciplinary nature of research required to establish the UK as a front runner in the development and exploitation of emerging DST. With this would come significant opportunity to create new UK businesses and enhance existing ones, driving growth and innovation and creating “high-tech” jobs.

Warwick DST CDT
