PhD Project Opportunities and Research Topics
Projects provide full funding of a stipend and UK fees for four years, and include a generous research training support grant. For information on funding click here.
Many of the projects delivered in collaboration with industry and have the possibility of an extended internship/placement in company/partner university research laboratories.
2024 Projects:
2023 Projects:
- Levitating Quantum Diamonds FILLED
- Modelling of radiation damage in diamond FILLED
- The development, characterisation, and application of perfect, pure, and functionalised diamond FILLED
- Applications of Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes in High-Pressure High-Temperature Electrochemistry - FILLED
If you would like further information, or if you would like to discuss potential PhD projects, please provide contact details and forward your CV to
2022 Projects:
Controlling spin qubits in diamond: towards building a quantum computer - FILLED
New Electrochemical Polishing Methods for Processing Diamond Surfaces - FILLED
Optimised colour centre control for diamond quantum technologies - FILLED
2021 Projects:
- Disentangling Aggregation Kinetics in CVD Diamond for Quantum Sensing FILLED
- Development of Boron Doped Diamond Transcutaneous Sensors for Blood Gas Measurement FILLED
- Diamond magnetometry for finding corrosion in steel - FILLED
2020 Projects:
- Improving 1 and 2-qubit gate fidelities for laser-written nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond membranes; - FILLED
- Diamond Magnetometry in Cars and Aircraft - FILLED
Nanoscale electrocatalysis - FILLED
Intense infrared pulses give defects in diamond a shakedownLink opens in a new window - FILLED
2019 Projects:
- Structural and Spectroscopic Imaging with Advanced Electron Microscopies - FILLED
- Platform Development for Diamond Quantum and Photonic Technologies - FILLED
PhD Opportunities at Associated Institutions:
University of Oxford
Sensing ions in fluids using nanodiamond trapped in a microcavity
Room temperature single photon sources in diamond
Logical operations and control systems for scalable diamond quantum computing
Cavity-coupled qubits in diamond for networked quantum computing
Engineering spin qubits for diamond quantum computer chips
Interactions between point defects in diamond