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ENHANCE Network of Experts


The establishment of a Network of Experts in Humanitarian Engineering is a significant step towards ensuring the sustainability of the ENHANCE project. By connecting with experts in various fields related to humanitarian engineering, the project gains access to valuable knowledge and resources that can contribute to its long-term success.


This network provides a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and ongoing support, enabling the project to address complex challenges and stay at the forefront of advancements in the field. The involvement of experts also enhances the credibility and impact of the project, as their expertise and insights contribute to the development of high-quality outcomes and solutions. Furthermore, by fostering strong relationships with experts, the project creates opportunities for continued collaboration, capacity building, and knowledge transfer beyond the project's duration. This network-based approach strengthens the project's sustainability by leveraging the collective expertise and ensuring that the outcomes and impacts of ENHANCE have a lasting effect in the field of humanitarian engineering.

Find out more

The Network is currently listing 40 experts from 9 organisations in 5 countries. More information is available via the network’s website hosted by the University of West Attica: