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Meet our Partners at Universitas Brawijaya

Universitas Brawijaya is one of three partner institutions working on the ENHANCE project in Indonesia. Their wonderful new video introduces each of their ENHANCE team members and explains what activities the project is supporting in their institution.

Tue 27 Apr 2021, 11:43

Discussions about Engineering Education Findings

Thank you to all of our consortium members for a productive meeting today. During the meeting we were able to discuss the analysis of our survey data and begin to see what needs to be improved in engineering education, how to improve it, and how to assess those improvements. Watch out for future updates discussing these data, what they tell us, and how we are preparing to support educators to not only include more humanitarian engineering principles in their programmes, but to make significant and sustainable improvements to all aspects of engineering education.

Wed 21 Apr 2021, 12:15

Enhancing engineering education during a crisis

The pandemic has had an obvious disruptive effect not only on our project, but on the studies of engineering students globally. Here are some of the questions and problems we have been discussing and continue to discuss during these uncertain times.

Wed 24 Mar 2021, 09:54

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