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--Closing date extended to 17th November 2019--
Our survey will gather information on engineering education programmes from the point of view of higher education providers, quality assurance agencies and industry. The survey is available to complete from the 22nd July 2019 - 13th September 2019.
We invite responses from Higher Education Engineering programmes - Undergraduate and Post-Graduate, Regional, National or International Quality Assurance Agencies, and Companies who work with or employ graduate engineers, during or after their studies.
Click here to begin the survey

Engineering has a pivotal role to play in solving humanitarian challenges, enabling communities to progress towards sustainable development. Because the issues of humanitarianism are not just engineering problems, there is need to introduce new designs of engineering education to embrace and exploit combinational expertise in community-based engineering. ENHANCE aims at nurturing humanitarian attributes through engineering education for serving unsupported communities effectively and responsibly, in identifying problems and defining sustainable solutions. The novelty of ENHANCE lies in integrating highly diverse, yet complementary, expertise in engineering Higher Education (HE).

As part of this project we are conducting a survey to gather information from education providers, quality assurance organisations and industry on the education of engineers. By taking part in this study you can influence and shape the engineering curriculum and models of engineering education in order to produce the talent needed and you can help us develop effective graduate engineering programmes in the Asian region (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam).

Before taking part in the survey, you should consult the participant information leaflet, which will help you to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you.

Read the participant information leaflet

The survey will take 10 - 20 minutes to complete. No identifiable data will be collected from you as part of this study and research data will be anonymised as quickly as possible after data collection.

If you have any additional questions that are not addressed here, or in the participant information leaflet, please use our contact us form to submit your question via email.