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School of Engineering News

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Warwick spin-out company set to revolutionise in-car audio

Revolutionary British-designed premium car audio technology with the potential to bring huge improvements to both on-the-move listening experiences and overall car efficiency is soon to be launched by a Midlands company that was spun out of Warwick University’s engineering department 20 years ago.

Wed 23 Mar 2022, 12:09 | Tags: Electronic Engineering Spin-out Research

Protecting power grids from IoT attacks

Dr Subhash Lakshminarayana is co-leading the new project Power Grid IoT System Protection and Resilience using Intelligent Edge (Power-SPRINT), with Prof. Carsten Maple (WMG). This project is funded under the PETRAS National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity.

Tue 20 Jul 2021, 13:22 | Tags: Electronic Engineering Research

WiE scholar, Emma Osbiston, won a summer placement at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron at Harwell

Emma, who is an undergraduate electronic engineering student, completed a project entitled R03: A Raspberry Pi Tomography Beamline Controlled Through Twitter during the three-month placement. The project allows 3D models to be created in a very unusual way and can be controlled by Twitter. Details of the project are featured in the March 2019 edition of The MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine.
Read more on The MagPi website

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