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School of Engineering News

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Warwick academic invited as expert at US Department of Energy (DoE) Annual Merit Review

Professor Jennifer Wen invited as expert for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program and the Vehicle Technologies Office.

Fri 11 Jul 2014, 14:42 | Tags: Research Faculty of Science

Warwick Power Electronics Group in EPSRC Grant Success

Power Electronics Research Group secures EPSRC grant to push the frontiers of power based electronics.

Wed 02 Jul 2014, 16:09 | Tags: Energy Research Faculty of Science

School welcomes new Honorary Professor of Power Systems

Acclaimed Power Systems Consultant Dr William Hung joins the Warwick School of Engineering as Honorary Professor.

Mon 09 Jun 2014, 12:18 | Tags: Energy Faculty of Science

School of Engineering highlights dangers of 3D printed gun

Dr Simon Leigh has worked with West Midlands Police’s National Ballistics Intelligence Service to conduct tests on a 3D printed gun named the ‘Liberator’.

Fri 30 May 2014, 14:20 | Tags: Research 3D printing Faculty of Science

Electrical Smart Grids for Developing Countries

School of Engineering Professor in joint EPSRC UK-India funding success for improved electrical distribution networks.

Thu 22 May 2014, 16:16 | Tags: Energy Award Research Faculty of Science

Senior Academic receives prestigious Achievement Award from IEEE

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers present Professor Christopher James with MGA (Members and Geographic Activities) Achievement Award.

Tue 22 Apr 2014, 12:06 | Tags: Biomedicine WEB Biomedicine Award Faculty of Science

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