New Resource: Best Readings in Molecular Communication
We contributed to the online educational resource Best Readings in Molecular Communication, which has been issued by the IEEE Communications Society. It is a reading list of notable textbooks, special issues, and a selection of the most significant research papers in the field of molecular communication. Most of the listed resources are from within the last 10 years. The list was compiled to help newcomers to the field - both from within and outside the communications engineering community - become quickly familiar with the fundamentals and major advancements of molecular communication.
This resource was co-authored with Dadi Bi and Yansha Deng (King's College London) and Nan Yang (Australian National University).
Paper Accepted - "Channel Modeling for Diffusive Molecular Communication - A Tutorial Review"
The paper "Channel Modeling for Diffusive Molecular Communication - A Tutorial Review" (link to arXiv version; here is the DOI) was accepted for publication in Proceedings of the IEEE. We do an extensive review of the end-to-end communication channel models that are available for diffusive molecular communication systems, as well discuss simulation methods and experimental testbeds. It should be a helpful resource for anyone interested in working in this area, whether you are new to the field or an experienced member. This paper was co-authored with colleagues at FAU (Germany): Vahid Jamali, Arman Ahmadzadeh, Wayan Wicke, and Robert Schober.
Tutorial on Molecular Communication at IEEE GLOBECOM
I will be helping to deliver a tutorial on molecular communication at this year's IEEE GLOBECOM in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The full title is "Molecular Communication: Methods, Simulations, and Experiments" It will be presented with Andrew Eckford (York), Yansha Deng (KCL), and Nariman Farsad (Stanford). The tutorial will be held on Sunday, 9 December from 2pm-5:30pm.
Abstract: This tutorial introduces the emerging field of molecular communication wherein chemical signals are used to connect "tiny" machines such as living cells, synthetic biological devices and swarms of micro-scale robots. The tutorial begins with an overview of molecular communication systems and how they are modeled; each has a Transmitter, the Propagation Channel, and the Receiver, just as in a conventional communication system. Specific channel and noise models are presented and the derivation of channel impulse responses is discussed. Signal processing via chemical and genetic circuits is described. An overview and demonstration of specialized simulation tools is provided. The tutorial concludes with a discussion of the recent experimental implementations of molecular communication, and some of the most important open problems in this exciting new area.
My section of the tutorial will be on simulation methods, and will include a demonstration of the AcCoRD simulator.
To see about about the tutorial, including registration, please see here: