New Resource: Best Readings in Molecular Communication
We contributed to the online educational resource Best Readings in Molecular Communication, which has been issued by the IEEE Communications Society. It is a reading list of notable textbooks, special issues, and a selection of the most significant research papers in the field of molecular communication. Most of the listed resources are from within the last 10 years. The list was compiled to help newcomers to the field - both from within and outside the communications engineering community - become quickly familiar with the fundamentals and major advancements of molecular communication.
This resource was co-authored with Dadi Bi and Yansha Deng (King's College London) and Nan Yang (Australian National University).
New CFP - Molecular Communication in Crowded and Multi-Cellular Environments
- Signal propagation models designed for intercellular environments such as organoids, tissues, organs, tumors, and biofilms
- Signal propagation models designed for intracellular environments such as cytoplasm, nuclei, and organelles
- Signal propagation models designed for crowded environments (biological or non-biological) such as porous media
- Unconventional diffusion modeling, including anisotropic diffusion, anomalous diffusion (superdiffusion or subdiffusion), fractional Brownian motion, and multi-phase diffusion
- Biophysical flow modelling, including turbulent and laminar flow
- Multi-cellular chemical reaction networks
- Design of synthetic or natural communication systems in multi-cellular environments
- Communication system analysis in multi-cellular environments
- Decentralized cellular decision-making and computation
- Experimental methods to apply or detect signals in multi-cellular environments, either in aggregate or at single-cell resolution
Call for Papers - IEEE Globecom 2019
Submissions are now open for the 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM). I am chairing the track on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. Submissions are due 15 April 2019 via You can find a text version of the call in the detail of this news item, or get the PDF from here.
Special Issue on Mathematical Modeling, Implementations, Applications and Simulators for Molecular Communications
I helped to guest edit a Special Issue for Nano Communication Networks on "Mathematical Modeling, Implementations, Applications and Simulators for Molecular Communications". Five articles were accepted and they have been published in the June 2018 issue. A free link (will work until 5 July) to the editorial is here: