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Professor Li Ran

Academic profile photograph

Professor Li Ran

Professor of Power Electronics - Systems

BSc, PhD, CEng, Fellow IET, Fellow IEEE

L dot Ran at warwick dot ac dot uk
+44 (0) 24 7655 1898; 07596720923 (m)


Li received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Chongqing University (China) for his work on reliability evaluation of the transmission networks planned for Three-Gorge Hydro Power Plant (1989). He then participated in the commissioning of Gezhouba-Nanqiao HVDC System (1989-1990).

He was a postdoctoral research fellow with the Universities of Aberdeen, Nottingham and Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh), working on marine electrical propulsion, offshore electrical systems and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in power electronic systems. He became a Lecturer with the University of Northumbria (Newcastle, 1999) and later moved to Durham (2003) where he was promoted to a Chair in 2010. He joined the University of Warwick as a Professor of Power Electronics (2012), and is now part-time between Warwick and Chongqing. His more recent work has centred around power conversion and control for renewable generation and smart grids, and reliability of power semiconductors. He was seconded to Alstom Power Conversion at Kidsgrove (2001-2003) and took a sabbatical study leave at MIT (2007-2008).

Li is a Co-Director of the Warwick-Chongqing Joint Key Laboratory (WaCky Lab) in SiC Power Electronics.

Li was the recipient of a Global Research Award of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Stanley-Gray Award of the IMarEST and IEEE Prize Paper Awards.

Professor Li Ran is a slow, but regular, 5 km Parkrun participant (home | parkrun UK).

Research Interests

Application of power electronics for electrical power generation, delivery and utilisation;

Power semiconductors and packaging.

Teaching Interests

Electric Circuit Theory, Analogue Electronics, Instrumentation Systems, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Control Theory, Electric Machines and Drives, Electrical Power Systems, Power Electronic Systems, Renewable Power Generation, and Embedded Generation.

Students are welcome to contact Professor Li Ran to discuss study in these subject areas.

Professor Li Ran is maintaining the ETAP Power Lab, a Digital Twin Platform for Design and Operation of Electrical Power Systems, at the University of Warwick, donated by ETAP.

Selected Recent Publications


  • Tavner P, Ran L and Crabtree C, Condition Monitoring of Rotating Electrical Machines, 3rd Edition, IET Press, 2020

Papers in Journals of Learned Societies

  • Yang J, Che Y, Ran L, Hu B and Du M, In-situ Monitoring Solder Layer Degradation in Multichip IGBT Power Modules Using Auxiliary Emitter Voltage, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 2024 (IEEE early access)
  • Janabi A, Shillaber L, Ying W, Mu W, Hu B, Jiang Y, Iosifidis N, Ran L and Long T, Substrate Embedded Power Electronics Packaging for Silicon Carbide MOSFETs, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 39, No. 8, 2024, pp9614-9628
  • Wei J, Liang F, Feng H and Ran L, Condition Monitoring of Discrete Power Devices, A Data-driven Approach with Stress Quantification and Mold Temperature Sensing, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2024, pp2569-2579
  • Wang D, Wei J, Feng H and Ran L, A Thermal Black-box Theory for Scaling Design of Planar Magnetic Coils in Wireless Charging Systems, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 39, No. 7, 2024, pp8973-8984
  • Yang J, Che Y, Guo X, Ran L and Chen Y, In-situ Monitoring Chip Failure in Multichip IGBT Modules Using Turn-on Delay Time Extracted from Auxiliary Emitter Voltage, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2024, pp2912-2922
  • Jiang P, Feng H and Ran L, ZVS Analysis and a Design Method for Unidirectional Medium-Voltage LLC-DCX with High Step-Up Ratio, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2024, pp2948-2953
  • Wei JX, Feng H and Ran L, Multi-Dimensional Design of DC-Link for Two-Stage Solid-State Transformer Cell Considering Second-order Harmonic Current Distribution, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2023, pp10244-10255
  • Wei JF, Jiang H, Xiao N, Wu Z, Wang L and Ran L, Multiple Phase Change Materials Integrated into Power Module for Normal and High Current Reliability Enhancement, IEEE Trans. on Device and Materials Reliability, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2023, pp127-133
  • Tang L, Jiang H, Zhong X, Qiu G, Mao H, Jiang X, Qi X, Du C, Peng Q, Liu L and Ran L, Investigation into the Third Quadrant Characteristics of Silicon Carbide MOSFET, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2023, pp1155-1164
  • Mao H, Hu J, Jiang H, Ran L, Qiu G, Wei J, Chen H, Zhong X, Xiao L, Wang L and Wu Y, An Asymmetrical Power Module Design for Modular Multilevel Converter with Unidirectional Power Flow, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2023, pp1092-1102
  • Wei JX, Feng H and Ran L, Integrated Design for Lifetime Extension and ESR Monitoring of Hybrid DC-Link in Solid-State Transformer from the Perspective of High-Frequency Ripple Current, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 12, 2022, pp15583-15593
  • Ren H, Liu L, Djurovic S, Ran L, Liu X, Feng H and Mawby P, In-situ Contact Pressure Monitoring of Press Pack Power Module Using FBG Sensors, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 71, No. 7, 2022, pp1-11 (7006211)
  • Qiu G, Ran L, Feng H, Jiang H, Mao H and Wei J, A High-precision Sensor Based on AC Flux Cancellation for DC Bias Detection in Dual Active Bridge Converters, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 11, 2022, pp13513-13524
  • Jiang X, Jiang H, Zhong X, Mao H, Wu Z and Ran L, Impact of Gate Resistance on Improving the Dynamic Overcurrent Stress of the Si/SiC Hybrid Switch, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 11, 2022, pp13319-13331
  • Shillaber L, Jiang Y, Ran L and Long T, Ultra Fast Current Shunt (UFCS): A Gigahertz Bandwidth Ultra Low Inductance Current Sensor, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 12, 2022, pp15493-15504
  • Zhong X, Jiang H, Tang L, Qi X, Jiang P and Ran L, Gate Stress Polarity Dependence of AC Bias Temperature Instability in Silicon Carbide MOSFETS, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 69, No. 6, 2022, pp3328-3333
  • Jiang H, Qi X, Qiu G, Zhong X, Tang L, Mao H, Wu Z, Chen H and Ran L, A Physical Explanation of Threshold Voltage Drift of SiC MOSFET Induced by Gate Switching, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 8, 2022, pp8830-8834
  • Hu Z, Hu B, Ran L, Tavner P, Kong H, Mawby P and Wu R, Monitoring Power Module Solder Degradation from Heat Dissipation in Two Opposite Directions, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 8, 2022, pp9754-9766
  • Wu Z, Jiang H, Zheng Z, Qi X, Liu L and Ran L, Dynamic dv/dt Control Strategy of SiC MOSFET for Switching Loss Reduction in the Operational Power Range, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2022, pp6237-6241
  • Mao H, Qiu G, Jiang H, Zhong X, Tang L and Ran L, Investigation on the Degradations of Parallel Connected 4H-SiC MOSFETs under Repetitive UIS Stresses, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 69, No. 2, 2022, pp650-657
  • Yang J, Che Y, Ran L, Du M, Jiang H and Hu B, Monitoring Initial Solder Layer Degradation in a Multichip IGBT Module via Combined TSEPs, IEEE Trans. on Device and Materials Reliability, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2022, pp26-35
  • Ren H, Ran L, Liu X, Liu L, Djurovic S, Jiang H, Barnes M and Mawby P, Quasi-distributed Temperature Detection of Press Pack IGBT Power Module Using FBG Sensing, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 5, 2022, pp4981-4992
  • Qiu G, Ran L, Feng H, Jiang H, Long T, Forsyth A, Shao W and Hou X, A Flux Gate-based Current Sensor for DC Bias Elimination in a Dual Active Bridge Converter, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2022, pp3233-3246
  • Zhong X, Jiang H, Qiu G, Tang L, Mao H, Xu C, Jiang X, Hu J, Qi X and Ran L, Bias Temperature Instability of Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET under AC Gate Stresses, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2022, pp1998-2008
  • Hu B, Konaklieva S, Kourra N, Williams M, Ran L and Lai W, Long Term Reliability Evaluation of Power Modules with Low Amplitude Thermomechanical Stresses and Initial Defects, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2021, pp602-615
  • Hu B, Hu Z, Ran L, Ng C, Jia C, McKeever P, Tavner P, Zhang C, Jiang H and Mawby P, Heat-Flux Based Condition Monitoring of Multi-chip Power Modules Using a Two-Stage Neural Network, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 36, No. 7, 2021, pp7489-7500
  • Ren H, Shao W, Ran L, Hao G, Zhou L, Mawby P and Jiang H, A Phase Change Material Integrated Press Pack Power Module with Enhanced Overcurrent Capability for Grid Support – a Study on FRD, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2021, pp3956-3968
  • Jiang H, Wei J, Fang X, Ren H, Shao W, and Ran L, A delta_Tj Reduced Power Module with In-built Phase Change Materials for Reliability Enhancement, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 68, No. 9, 2021, pp4557-4564
  • Shao W, Wu R, Ran L, Jiang H, Mawby P, Rogers D, Green T, Coombs T, Yardley K, Kastha D and Bajpai P and Zhou L, A Power Module for Grid Inverter with in-built Short-Circuit Current Capability, IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 35, No. 10, 2020, pp10567-10579
  • Bashar E, Rogers D, Wu R, Ran L, Jennings M, Green T and Mawby P, A New Protection Scheme for an SSSC in an MV Network by Using a Varistor and Thyristors, IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2020, pp102-113
  • Mohammed A, Hu B, Hu Z, Djurovic S, Ran L, Barnes M and Mawby P, Distributed Thermal Monitoring of Wind Turbine Power Electronic Modules Using FBG Sensing Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, No. 17, 2020, pp9886-9894
  • Jiang H, Zhong X, Qiu G, Tang L, Qi X and Ran L, Dynamic Gate Stress Induced Threshold Voltage Drift of Silicon Carbide MOSFET, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 41, No. 9, 2020, pp1284-1287

Projects and Grants

Title Funder Award start Award end
Packaging Design and Optimization of A New High-Voltage SiC Power Module The Royal Society and NNSF China 31 Mar 2022 30 Mar 2024
Powertrain Research Hub Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult 01 Oct 2021 30 Sep 2024
PE2M: Power Electronics Modules by Rapid Moulding Innovate UK 01 Jan 2022 30 Nov 2024
FutureBEV Innovate UK 01 Aug 2020 31 Jul 2024
Development of an IGBT Power Module with High Short-term Thermal Capacity Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric UK Innovation Centre 01 Feb 2021 31 Jan 2023
Novel Condition Monitoring and Health Management Technologies for High Voltage SiC Power Modules. EPSRC 01 Oct 2017 30 Sep 2021
Enhancing Control Capability of ORE Systems for Stress Management and Grid Support EPSRC 01 Mar 2020 20 May 2021
IGBT heat flux health monitoring method for wind turbine power convertors Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult 03 Apr 2018 02 Apr 2021
Catapult Researchers in Residence Programme EPSRC 30 Nov 2017 30 Sep 2020
Holistic Operation and Maintenance for Energy from Offshore Wind Farms (HOME-Offshore) EPSRC 30 Mar 2017 1 Oct 2020
Collaboration Agreement: Underpinning Power Electronics EPSRC 01 Jul 2013 30 Jun 2019
UK-India Reconfigurable Distribution Networks - collaboration agreement for EPSRC grant led by Imperial (3-way: also includes Cardiff) EP/K036327/1 EPSRC 01 Jan 2014 31 Dec 2017
Underpinning Power Electronics - Components Theme EPSRC 01 Jul 2013 31 Oct 2017
Leverhulme Visiting Professor Leverhulme Trust 01 Jan 2016 31 Jul 2017
Challenges in High Temperature, High Reliability and High Power Density Press Pack SiC EPSRC 01 Jan 2015 30 Jun 2017
Strengthening Grid for Rural Renewable Power ? A Power Electronics Solution - GCRF Institutional award EPSRC 01 Jun 2016 31 Mar 2017
Collaboration Agreement - Low Carbon Networks Fund bid Western Power Distribution 01 May 2013 31 Dec 2016
Condition monitoring techniques for power electronic offshore renewable applications: KTP with Narec Narec Development Services Limited 01 Jul 2013 30 Jun 2015
The requirements, capabilities and costs for a Low Frequency AC transmission technology to allow for both research and training requirements to take place SP Power Systems Limited 01 Feb 2014 18 Mar 2015
KTP project - with NAREC Technology Strategy Board 01 Mar 2013 28 Feb 2015
Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Visiting Fellowship: Design and Operation of Future Electrical Power Systems Royal Academy of Engineering 12 Sep 2012 11 Oct 2012