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IFMBE HTAD providing inputs to WHO the 2019-2023 General Program

The IFMBE is an NGO in official relation with WHO. As such, it is called to participate to the WHO General Assembly (GA) and provide inputs presenting amendments, according to the WHO GA Agenda. The IFMBE delegates to the WHO is Prof Marc Nyssen, IFMBE Treasurers, which prepare amendments, collecting inputs by IFMBE AC members and Division Chairs. HTAD Chair Dr Pecchia participated to this discussion and to the drafting of the IFMBE amendments. This year was particular important as the draft of the WHO thirteenth general programme of work, 2019–2023”.

Two amendments were presented.

The former, targeted the points A71/5, A71/6 and A71/13 of the general programme. Basing on the evidence demonstrating that when biomedical and clinical engineers are involved, there is significant patient benefit, IFMBE urged WHO to include clinical and biomedical engineers in the vacant position profiles for health technology assessment!

The latter, recommended WHO to pay more attentio to the mechanisms and the professions involve in the generation, management and sharing of medical data, suggesting to start a mutually benefical collaboration with the new born ICSU “World Data System” committee.

Wed 20 Jun 2018, 10:58 | Tags: IFMBE, HTAD, WHO