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News: ABSPIE recent initiatives

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Pandemic Management and Preparedness – Telemedicine and the Role of Innovative Technologies in Securing a Safer Future

Pandemic preparedness is among the top priorities of scientists and policy makers. Organized in collaboration with European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), ABSPIE Lab is pleased to confirm the successful award of funding to co-lead and deliver on a European Parliament Policy Event in 2023.

Led by Assistant Professor, Dr Davide PiaggioLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window with support from Professor Leandro PecchiaLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, this project is aimed at fostering the dialogue between science and policy-makers through the co-creation and co-funding of an event at the European Parliament (EP), where policy-makers and representatives of science, members of World Health Organization (WHO) and scholars from the University of Warwick, will discuss ways for collaboration for future emergencies management, setting the basis for a policy change.

On the 21st March Prof Pecchia, along with ABSPIE team members Dr Davide Piaggio, Dr Alessia Maccaro and PhD student Katy Stokes, attended the EU Parliament to present at the Fourth European Parliament Interest Group on Biomedical Engineering, hosted by MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos with the support of the European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES). This meeting was part of a week dedicated to the role of technology in health. The event was titled: “Pandemic Management and Preparedness – Telemedicine and the Role of Innovative Technologies in Securing a Safer Future” and final Agenda can be found at Link opens in a new window

Prof Pecchia's presentation can be watched at opens in a new window


Tue 28 Mar 2023, 11:17