ABSPIE archived seminar series
This section provides access to the historical record of our Seminar Series. For the most current information and upcoming events, please consult the NEWS section of the ABSPIE website.
07.02.2017 "Managing the innovation in Biomedical Engineering: the problems and advantages of starting early"
Speaker: Stefania Manetti, PhD candidate in Healthcare Innovation Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (Italy), where she graduated with honors in Biomedical Engineering in 2014. In 2016, she visited the Public Health Sciences Department of Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden) to work on parametric survival models and their application in decision models. She is currently a visiting scholar at the Health Economics Research Center (HERC), University of Oxford, to investigate the impact of hospital costing methods on cost-effectiveness analysis. Her research interests include Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and early HTA for innovative medical devices, cost-effectiveness analysis and decision models. Stefania is also the President of the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) Student chapter at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.
Aim: After introducing the main principles of the cost-effectiveness approach consistent with the mainstream Health Technology Assessment (HTA) framework, this talk will explore the early HTA state of art and whether it could support the development process and provide a more solid foundation for the next phase of the reimbursement strategy.
Room/time: room D202, School of Engineering, University of Warwick, 14:00.
28.11.2016 "The role of biomedical engineers to develop appropriate technologies for LMIC"
Speaker: Adriana Velazquez is the senior adviser and focal point on medical devices at the World Health Organization (WHO). She is a Mexican Biomedical Engineer with postgraduate degree in Clinical Engineering in U.S.A. Previous to join WHO she was the founding and General Director of the National Centre for Health Technology Excellence (CENETEC) in the Ministry of Health in Mexico, where she had more than 15 years experience as clinical engineer in private and public hospitals in Mexico. She has had honorary positions in national and international professional organizations.
Aim: After introducing the WHO leadership priorities, this talk will illustrate challenges and opportunities for biomedical engineering, which are willing to design and develop medical devices for low and middle income countries (LMIC).
Project: This talk is part of a meeting organized by the ABSPIE lab, in collaboration with the IFMBE HTAD, in the framework of the project titled “HTA of Medical Devices, with a specific focus on LMIC” (PI, Dr Leandro Pecchia), funded by EPSRC IAA Award and the Warwick GRP on Science and Technology for Health.
Room/time: room F105, School of Engineering, University of Warwick, 12:00.
10.09.2015 Early stage HTA: how to inform the research aiming to maximise its impact
Speaker: Dr Leandro Pecchia, University of Warwick and Chairman of the HTA Division of the IFMBE.
Aim: In this lunch seminar will summarise the main messages of the Summer School. The main methods and tools presented during the School will be briefly recalled and the main problems of HTA of medical devices will be discussed. This will be an opportunity for those that will have no time to attend the whole school to see an overview of its main topics and more in general of the vibrant discussion that is growing very fast in the community of biomedical engineers and medical physicists about HTA.
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