School of Engineering Research Seminars
Please click on the links for dates and more details.
School Of Engineering Seminar Series |
The School holds four research seminars per term, with two speakers per seminar. The seminars usually take place on Wednesday lunchtime and are open to all, with a buffet lunch available. |
Fluid Dynamics Seminar Programme |
Wednesdays 4.15pm in Room D202, School of Engineering with coffee served from 4pm (day/times occasionally vary). |
Civil Research Group Seminar Programme |
Friday from 12pm to 12.45pm with lunch afterwards 12.45pm-1.30pm in SO.20/21 (day/times occasionally vary). |
Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling Seminar Programme |
WCPM hosts regular seminars where we invite speakers working both in fundamental methodology and on applications of predictive modelling and UQ. |