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School of Engineering Research Seminars

Please click on the links for dates and more details.

School Of Engineering Seminar Series

The School holds four research seminars per term, with two speakers per seminar. The seminars usually take place on Wednesday lunchtime and are open to all, with a buffet lunch available.

Fluid Dynamics Seminar Programme
Wednesdays 4.15pm in Room D202, School of Engineering with coffee served from 4pm (day/times occasionally vary).
Civil Research Group Seminar Programme
Friday from 12pm to 12.45pm with lunch afterwards 12.45pm-1.30pm in SO.20/21 (day/times occasionally vary).
Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling Seminar Programme
WCPM hosts regular seminars where we invite speakers working both in fundamental methodology and on applications of predictive modelling and UQ.


School of Engineering