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Meeting Minutes 20/10/11

Daniel mentioned that the first project milestone is due on Tuesday (25/10/11)

For this we need to:

Come up with a project title:

Multi-scale Modelling and Analysis of the Pulmonary Airways

Define Objectives:

Analysing the flow characteristics of the provided 3D model in star-ccm+

Develop a 1D model from the average healthy human lung based on:

The Weibel model

Steady state Bernoulli equations

Experimental data

Combine the 1D model with 3D model to form a multi-scale model of the lung airways

Analyse the entire lung airway model in STAR-CCM+

Tom’s view of how it will work in Matlab:

Get STL file put it into STAR-CCM+

Export it to matlab and add the smaller generations

Put the updated model back into STAR-CCM+

Charlie suggested the Volume filling method for adding the smaller generations

The reason for this being that realistic airway models are driven by a volumetric efficiency factor

The first thing Dr. Chung wants us to do is create a 1D excel file to find Reynolds numbers to aid CFD analysis

Tom says that we can import and export to and from Matlab

Adrian has made progress with importing the STL file:

Apparently the STL file of the first few generations is setup as just one boundary

He tried to mesh the model, and the software came up with an error message:

It said that there was a hole in the mesh.

Dr. Chung said that we need to refine the mesh locally, Adrian is still trying researching how to do this.

The group decided to get the first Milestone sheet filled out immediately after the meeting

The group decided to make a start on the 1D excel spreadsheet and importing the 3D geometry to STAR-CCM+.