Meeting Minutes 25/10/11
Charlie showed Yongmann the spreadsheet, although he was happy with the progress he pointed out:
The dynamic viscosity needs to be a constant.
Length is not the best parameter to use, diameter is more characteristic in simple pipe flow.
Dr. Chung started talking about 3D and said that we need to isolate the trachea to mimic conditions around the larynx, including jet flow
He says that parabolic flow is far from the actual conditions in the larynx.
Adrian reported issues with the 3D geometry
Tom recommended running a simulation of the aesophagus for our input conditions, however we are still waiting for the CT scan of this section.
Dr. Chung recommended modelling the CT scan with Pressure outlet boundaries for the inlet and outlets, the difference being in the pressure value.
Dr Chung: in the fake world of imcompressible flow pressure conditions dont matter.
All that matters is the difference between them.
Tom: Going from Matlab to Solidworks may allow us to create a solid model
Depends on the ability to create a command line in soldiworks
Tom knows he can in Autocad, we will look into Solidworks
The general consensus is that the project is heading towards a complete 3D model made from the original 3D geometry and the 3D pipe goemetry from 1D simulation
Dr. Chung: 3D team should look into unsteady simulations
Tom has found a paper on how using Simulink lung pressure can be expressed over time.
This model would feed the 3D unsteady simulation
Dr Chung: the team that provided the CT scan data file have also created a file containing centreline information up to around generation 10
This may be of use to the 1D modelling team
After the meeting the 1D excel spreadsheet was corrected. Graphs were also created