Meeting Minutes
All Present…Dhillon was LATE!!!
Adrian was asked to discuss his 3rd year project.
Model of the Lung as a pipe network in 3 generations Weibul Model Using Pipes, Frictionless pipe. Measured various comparisons. Altered the rotation angle and ploted various graphs and angles.
Simplified model – Geometry will be allot more complicated.
Weibul – measured the lung network
Discussed how Adrians previous project could be integrated into what we have to do this year.
Also recommended using skin friction equations.
The Report
Dhillon raised queries as to how long the project report would be.
Adrian advised we should look to contribute 6k words each.
Web Site
Tom gave run through of the site and how to use the reference and Blog pages
Clarified the top end of the model ie. The mouth
Yongman mentioned it but we discussed the implications of this on the project
Also discussed setting pressure boundary conditions
Charlie said you can also model a moving trachea (May be too much for us)
Good Place To Start
Discussed Roles
Charlie – Yongmann, has recommended every to start out with CCM
Health Implications
Cant give any indication as to generations.
Tom mentioned we have contacts within the medical school that are willing to discuss the business implications of this research
Also mentioned what the benefits of such a system would be
Show progression during medication
Charlie mentioned how they could use the system to define dosage
Adrian is going to ask for a copy from last year