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MEng Group Project 2006/07

 Smoke Control5 seconds after fire start30 seconds after fire start60 seconds after fire start
More fun than it sounds...


Aims and Objectives

To design, simulate and prototype a particle control system, primairily for an office environment.
This system will incorporate particle detection and then subsequent removal using a specifically designed air conditioning system. We will initially focus on airborne smoke particles.

The project has two distinct practical parts:
1) Simulate particle/air dynamics using Star CD.
2) Design, build and use a test rig to conduct 'real world' simulations.

For further details see the Project Outline.

Group Members

  • Michael Brownjohn (Electronics & Communications)
  • James Graham (Mechanical)
  • William Mallard (Mechanical)
  • Alex Markillie (Mechanical)
  • Alex Millar (Mechanical)
  • Anthony Pearson (Civil)
  • Nariman Poushin (Computer Systems)

Current Group Leader: William Mallard

Project Manager: Alex Millar

Secretary: William Mallard

Website Manager/Health & Safety Officer: Michael Brownjohn


EUO Webpage for MEng Project


Group presentation: Thursday 10th May, 3:00-4:00p.m in F308