Students - Cohort 2
HetSys Cohort 2 students are supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council–supported Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems, Grant No.EP/S022848/1.
PhD Title:
Next generation sampling of organic molecules
PhD Supervisor:
Livia Bartok-Partay
PhD Title:
Step into the unknown: modelling titanium alloys at extreme conditions
PhD Supervisor:
Albert Bartok-Partay
PhD Title:
Uncertainty Quantification with Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials using Conformal Prediction
PhD Supervisor:
James Kermode
PhD Title:
Predicting long-term materials ageing using reaction discovery and machine learning
PhD Supervisor:
Scott Habershon
PhD Title:
Adaptive probabilistic meshless methods for evolutionary systems
PhD Supervisor:
Tim Sullivan
PhD Supervisor:
Tom Goffrey
PhD Title:
Modelling defects in Iron and its alloys with machine learning inter atomic potentials
PhD Supervisor:
James Kermode
PhD Title:
Statistics of porous media attributes and mixing processes state variables across scales
PhD Supervisor:
Mohaddeseh Mousavi Nezhad
![james targett](jamestargett/profile_picture.jpg)
PhD Title:
Nanoscale material discovery for thermoelectric energy harvesting and cooling
PhD Supervisor:
Hatef Sadeghi
PhD Supervisor:
Gabriele Sosso