Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
A PhD is based on a single research project under the training and supervision of one of our Research Leaders.
The School has strong links with research institutions, business, and industry, both in the UK and overseas, working to develop innovative and exciting areas of research and technology. Research is interdisciplinary and ranges from laboratory-based fundamental science to field-based applied agriculture.
Funded PhD opportunities
The School of Life Sciences offers funded PhD studentships through a number of Doctoral Training Programmes including the Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) and Central England NERC Training Alliance (NERC CENTA DTP)..
Individually funded PhD studentships are also advertised when they are available.
For Students with their own funding
If you have a scholarship (or are applying for a scholarship), or if you have the finances to self-fund your PhD studies, please contact potential supervisors to discuss developing a project.
Browse the Research Clusters ( for research areas and identify potential supervisors in the area(s) that are of interest to you.
Fees and scholarships
A number of funding opportunities external to the School are available for research students.
Examples of PhD projects in the School of Life Sciences include:
- 3D Cryo-electron microscopy studies of Tat complexes
- Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry - Ambient Ionisation Techniques
- Interactions between river bed morphology, water chemistry and microbial diversity and its impact on pollutant
- Biogeochemical Cycling of climatically relevant oxygenated volatile organic compounds e.g.methanol.
- Exploring local adaptation to climatic variables in global accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana
- The function of extensive structured RNA in the evasion of host anti-virus responses
- Environmental Epigenetic Memory in Plants
- Analysis of the protein interaction network of the Arabidopsis circadian clock