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Departmental Welcome Messages

A warm welcome to the School of Life Sciences community!

We hope you are looking forward to starting your Warwick journey.

Professor Miriam Gifford
Head of School

Welcome message from Miriam:

A huge welcome to Warwick’s School of Life Sciences! We’re delighted that you are joining us and excited to study at Master’s level. Our friendly and welcoming staff and students will help get you settled in, support you if you need help, and provide many opportunities for you to excel.

Dr Graham Teakle
Director of PGT Studies

Welcome message from Graham:

Dr Eric Holub
PGT Senior Tutor

Welcome message from Eric:

Course Directors

Professor Rosemary Collier

  • Food Security
  • Sustainable Crop Production: Agronomy in the 21st Century

Welcome message from Rosemary:

I'm very much looking forward to meeting you all at the start of term and to getting to know you better as the academic year progresses.

Professor George Bassel

  • Biotechnology, Bioprocessing and Business Management
  • Medical Biotechnology and Business Management

Welcome message from George:

Big welcome to the master’s program! I am the director for the BBBM & MBBM and look forward to supporting you during your degree!

Professor Hendrik Schaefer

  • Environmental Bioscience in a Changing Climate

Welcome message from Hendrik:

Welcome to Warwick, I hope that you will enjoy the year ahead and make the most of the opportunities that the School of Life Sciences and the University of Warwick have to offer. I am looking forward to meeting you as course leader of the MSc Environmental Bioscience in a Changing Climate. The year 2021 has been dominated by so many environmental issues and events that have reemphasised that the global changes that we are witnessing require our urgent attention and action. There has never been a more pressing time for studying environmental bioscience and for becoming part of the next generation to address the wide range of sustainability issues that need to be addressed.

PGT Programmes Team

Eve Carribine
PGT Programmes Officer

Therese Lepicard
PGT ESS Senior Assistant

Olga Stojek
PGT ESS Senior Assistant


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

We strive to achieve a fully inclusive educational experience and are dedicated to achieving equality and celebrating diversity.  We continue to work hard to ensure that our EDI committee is central to the School’s activity and that our task force priorities are at the forefront of our work across all aspects of school activity. Take a look at our EDI pages Link opens in a new windowto see what we’ve been up to recently, including securing our Silver Athena Swan Award for Gender Equality. You can be involved in the schools EDI work through the Student-Staff Liaison Committee, read more about our Student Voice hereLink opens in a new window, and our Student Networks Link opens in a new window(Ethnicity, Diversity, Gender Equality and Identity, Community and Culture).

In addition to our commitment to EDI within the School and Institutionally, we also have our University of Warwick ValuesLink opens in a new window.