Making a difference at Warwick
During their time at University our students make a positive difference to student life.
New SLS Black Students Sub-Committee
In autumn 2020 Abbi G-Medhin and Toluwa Lipede founded and became Co-Chairs of the SLS Black Students Sub-Committee. Working closely with the Minorities Officer, they will ensure that staff are knowledgeable about Black students’ experiences and proactive in fostering change. They will serve the community by sharing resources and organising events to promote Blackness in STEM.
Warwick Institute of Engagement Fellow
Warwick has a new Institute of Engagement (WIE) and Jerry Yu, 2nd year Biochemistry student, has been appointed a fellow of WIE.
As a WIE fellow, Jerry will work to improve engagement in the university and create more welcoming and interesting engagement opportunities, especially in the current pandemic.