Jack Skipper
About Me:
I am a PhD student in the MASDOC programme at Warwick. I am supervised by James Robinson and José Luis Rodrigo.
Before MASDOC I studied the MMaths course at Warwick with my final year project in super-fluid vortices using the GPE with Robert Kerr.
I am from Keston in Kent and my non-mathematical interests include: Ultimate Frisbee, Swimming and Movies.
Mathematical Interests:
My mathematical interests are broadly centred around analysis focusing on harmonic analysis, regularity theory and PDE's. In particular I am interested in energy conservation of fluid equations.
From the MMaths project we have:
Rorai, C., Skipper, J., Kerr, R.M. and Sreenivasan, K.R. (2016) ‘Approach and separation of quantised vortices with balanced cores’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 808, pp. 641–667. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2016.638. Paper
From the MASDOC program we have:
J. C. Robinson, J. L. Rodrigo, J. W. D. Skipper , 'A simple integral condition for energy conservation in the 3D Euler equations', Submitted, 2016 Preprint arXiv:1611.00181. Paper
I did a group project with fellow MASDOC students Matthew Eggingtion and Jamie Lukins on Model based emission control (MBEC). We produced a report, a postor, and a presentation.
For my Msc project I worked with my current supervisors and produce the following report. In the project we concentrated on understanding different equivalent definitions of Besov spaces in . We then applied these spaces to problems involving the heat equation and energy conservation of the incompressible Euler equations. Finally we considered how to define Besov spaces to bounded subsets of
I have continued my results from the project which resulted in the paper above.
Recently I have been continuing my work developing more results on bounded domains and currently writing a paper on energy conservation of the incompressible Euler equations with boundaries that will be finished shortly.
Talks Given:
Onsager's Conjecture, MASDOC CCA conference 2015, Warwick, 17th April 2015.
A Brief Introduction into Onsager's Conjecture, MASDOC Retreat, St. Briavel's Castle, 18th-20th May 2015.
Energy Conservation of Euler Equations on and
, St Andrews, 2nd August 2016.
Energy Conservation of the Incompressible Euler Equations, Warwick (Post Graduate Seminar), 19th October 2016.
Conferences Attended:
BMS summer school: Applied Analysis for Materials, TU Berlin, Aug-Sep 2014.
Young Researchers in Mathematics, Warwick, 30th June-3rd July 2014.
MASDOC CCA conference 2015, Warwick, 15th-17th April 2015.
Young Researchers in Mathematics, St Andrews, 1st - 4th August 2016.
PDEs in Fuid Mechanics, Warwick 26th - 30th September 2016.
Term 1, 2014: I was the teaching assistant for MA4J1 Continuum Mechanics, a fourth year maths module at Warwick.
Term 1, 2015: I was the teaching assistant for MA244 Analysis 3, a second year maths module at Warwick. Involved marking.
Supervisions 2015: I supervised two groups of five first year mathematics students at Warwick. Involved marking.
Feel free to drop me an email: jack <dot> skipper <The normal symbol> warwick <dot> ac <dot> uk
My office is B3.04, Warwick Mathematical Institute, Zeeman building.