Other than the content under the last heading above, this page is for students who commenced their programme of study since (and including) academic year 2021/22.
Note that all modules listed below are those running in academic year 2024/25. The modules listed here did not necessarily run in previous academic years and there may also be changes to the equivalent lists of modules running in future academic years.
The minimum and normal load is 120 CATS.
The maximum load is 150 CATS.
Students must take:
- Exactly one of MA4K8 Maths-in-Action Project or MA4K9 Research Project, worth 30 CATS.
- In their third and fourth years combined, at least 75 CATS of List C modules, including at least 60 CATS of MA4xx modules or ST403.
- During year 4, take at least 60 CATS from the Year 4 Lists A and C combined.
Note that the first and second bullets above ensure that students take at last 105 CATS of FHEQ Level 7 CATS in years 3 and 4 combined.
Student must pass at least 90 CATS of whole modules at FHEQ Level 7 (those generally with code xx4xx), over the duration of their programme, not just in year 4, to be awarded an MMath.
Remember that if you commenced your degree in 2020/21 or later, all FHEQ Level 7 modules (e.g. MA4xx. PX4xx, ST4xx etc.) will have a pass mark of 50% not 40%.
For example, a typical MMath student might satisfy the requirement in the third bullet point above by including two G103 Year 3 List C modules in their offering for Year 3 and three other G103 Year 4 List C modules in their offering for Year 4.
4th Year MMath students will not be allowed to take second year modules, except as Unusual Options, and even then only with a compelling reason for doing so. This includes 10 CAT modules coded MA3xx.
Important note for students whose programme began in 22/23 or later
Please note that for students who commenced their studies in academic year 2022/23 or later will be required to take at least 120 CATS of FHEQ Level 7 modules (e.g., MA4xx, ST4xx etc.) in years 3 and 4 combined.
Core Modules
Year 4 G103 student must take exactly one of the following two modules (strictly they are both Optional Core modules and the requirement is that you take exactly one of them)
Code |
Name |
Term |
MA4K8 |
Maths-in-Action (M-i-A) Project | 30 |
Terms 1 & 2 |
MA4K9 |
30 |
Terms 1 & 2 |
Optional Modules
Your selection of optional modules is extremely important. You must ensure
- you meet the regulations for your degree programme
you follow any special procedures for registering for certain modules, including for Unusual Options.
G103 Year 4 Option List A
This is the same as G103 Year 3 Option List A but it does not include
- MA395 Third Year Essay which cannot be taken by fourth year G103 students
- any of the 10 CAT MA3xx modules (those which have MA2xx equivalents)
G103 Year 4 Option List B
This is the same as G103 Year 3 Option List B but it does not include
- MA3K7 Problem Solving with Python which can only be taken by fourth year G103 students as an Unusual Option and is subject to restrictions on numbers, with fourth year G103 students given low priority.
- Any second year module (coded xx2xx).
- Either version of EP304 Introduction to Secondary Mathematics Teaching.
G103 Year 4 Option List C
This list is identical to G103 Year 3 Option List C which can be seen on the G103 Year 3 Specifications page.
An asterix (*) next to the module title below denotes those modules particularly suitable for 3rd year MMath students to consider taking (this note is included here as guidance).
You should check the Module Guidance for Maths Students page for information about any special procedures that must be followed to register for a module and for further advice.
Any modules not listed as G103 Year 4 Option List A, G103 Year 4 Option List B or G103 Year 4 Option List C are classed as Unusual Options and permission to take these modules must usually be obtained with a completed Unusual Option form submitted to the support office by the specified deadline.
It is not permitted to take more than 30 CATS of Unusual Options from any given department in any given year.
Unusual Options count towards your load but they do not count, under any circumstances, towards CATS requirements described in the course regulations where these regulations refer to Core Modules, Optional Core Modules, or letter Lists (e.g. List A, List B etc).
Further information about Unusual Options, including restrictions and deadlines can be found in the Unusual Options section of the handbook.
Common Unusual Options
Note that there is information about Language Centre Modules, Engineering Department Modules, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) Modules and Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Modules, all of which must be taken as Unusual Options on the Module Guidance for Maths Students page.
Outcomes and Awards
Fourth Year Learning Outcomes
After completing the fourth year of the MMath degree the students will have
- covered advanced mathematics in greater depth and/or breadth, and be in a position to decide whether they wish to undertake research in mathematics, and to ascertain whether they have the ability to do so
- achieved a level of mathematical maturity which has progressed from the skills expected in school mathematics to the understanding of abstract ideas and their applications
- developed
- investigative and analytical skills,
- the ability to formulate and solve concrete and abstract problems in a precise way, and
- the ability to present precise logical arguments
- been given the opportunity to develop other interests by taking options outside the Mathematics Department in all the years of their degree course.
Requirements for Award of Degree
In order to be awarded a MMath degree, fourth year G103 students must
- Have taken modules in accordance with the description under the heading Loading/Requirements at the top of this page. Note that for students whose programme of study began in 2021/22 this ensures that 105 CATS of FHEQ Level 7 (those generally with code xx4xx) module will have been taken over the duration of their programme and for students whose programme of study began in 2022/23 or later this ensures that 120 CATS of FHEQ Level 7 modules will have been taken over the duration of their programme.
- Have an year-end average for year 4 above 40%.
- Have an overall mark, using the year weightings describe in Maths Degree Programmes of greater than or equal to 40%.
- Pass at least 90 CATS of whole modules at FHEQ Level 7 (those generally with code xx4xx), over the duration of their programme, not just in year 4.
Final year examination boards - possible outcomes
The possible decisions from the Final Year Examination Board for year 4 G103 students taking modules for the first time are
- award of a MMath degree where the Requirements for Award of Degree above are met.
- to take required resits in September, these will be chosen by the Exam Board so that if they are passed the Requirements for the Award of an MMath degree would be met.
The possible outcomes for the September Examination Board, where resit marks are considered alongside original marks are
- award of an MMath degree if the requirements above are now met.
- required resits at the next available opportunity, this would only be the case for a module if a student's most recent attempt was considered to be a first attempt for that module (due to mitigation or deferral of exams for example).
- else, it is possible that a student could be awarded a BSc Honours if they have met the requirements to do so (see the G100 specification pages), but this would be at the discretion of the September Examination Board. If a BSc Honours is not awarded then an Exit Award will be made if possible.
Note that it is quite common for students to be out of phase with this sequence due to deferring their exams, temporary withdrawal, mitigation allowing resits to be taken as Further First Attempts (which would allow for a further capped resit) and so on. In these cases students are considered at the next available Final Year Examination Board.
Note also that all students whose degree programme started in 21/22 or later have the Right to Remedy Failure in the next available exams following first attempts at modules in which they score less than the pass mark. Students choosing to take these cannot graduate until after they are taken and their results have been considered as above by the boards.
Students who commenced their programme of study before (and including) academic year 2020/21
For students whose G103 Programme began in academic year 2020/21 are the main requirements for award is as follows, but see MMath Regulations for the university regulations that will be applied
for an Integrated Master’s degree, a candidate must have an overall mark (using the weightings for the degree programme) of over 40% and must pass in the final three years contributing to the degree classification, whole modules equating to at least 258 CATS in total, including at least 90 credits taken in the final year.