Mathematics Institute News
Roger Carter (1934 - 2022)
Roger Carter was a professor and central figure in the Warwick Mathematics Department almost from the start of the Institute’s life until his retirement in 2001.
Congratulations to our Undergraduate Prize Winners of 2021
We are pleased to announce that the following students have been awarded prizes for outstanding achievement throughout their study. We wish them all many congratulations, and for those who are finalists, best wishes for their future beyond the Warwick Maths Institute.
Taylor Eeles, Sacha Grabner, Max O'Keeffe, Mathilde Leuridan, Xuanchun Lu, Tom McKenzie, Liam O'Neill, Sophie Peggs, Gianni Prenol
Caroline Series awarded the David Crighton Medal
Professor Caroline Series, FRS has been awarded the 2021 David Crighton Medal by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the London Mathematical Society. This is in recognition of her fundamental and beautiful results connecting geometry and dynamical systems, and her outstanding service to the mathematical community, including her pioneering work to support the careers of women in mathematics.
See full citation here.