Dwight Barkley
Professor of Mathematics
Deputy Head of Department, Director of Research
Mathematics Institute
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)2476 524 765
Office: B2.29
Email: D.Barkley@warwick.ac.uk
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Texas at Austin
SIAM J.D. Crawford Prize
Fellow of the European Mechanics Society
Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Fellow of the American Physical Society
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
My interests lie at the interface between high-performance computation, pattern formation and nonlinear phenomena. I am interested in instabilities in fluid, chemical and biological systems and how best to understand these through efficient direct numerical computation. I am currently devoting a lot of attention to a singularity in the Euler equations and to the onset of turbulence in shear flows. Other key words describing my research are: large-scale computation, mathematical modeling, hydrodynamic stability, transition to turbulence, reaction-diffusion equations, excitable media, symmetry-breaking bifurcations, and spatio-temporal chaos.
Term 1: Simulation and Machine Learning for Finance. (This module is only open to students on the master's degree in Mathematical Finance. No exceptions will be made.)
Short Course on PythonLink opens in a new window - self-study short course on Python with modern applications including ODEs, Monte Carlo integration, stochastic differential equations, data science, machine learning, numerical linear algebra.