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WMI Research

Warwick Mathematics Institute

The WMI is a leading research institute in the mathematical sciences. Our purpose-built facilities house over 100 permanent and visiting academics, together with large cohorts of PhD students in an open and welcoming environment. The institute has an ethos of maths without boundaries.

Centres and Programs

The Mathematics Research Centre (MRC) plans and organises the institute's visitor programme attracting mathematicians from all over the world.

WMI MagazineLink opens in a new window

An online publication devoted to research, teaching and all things maths from the WMI.


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Research News

David Bate and Marie-Therese Wolfram win LMS Whitehead Prizes

Congratulations to two Warwick mathematicians who have each won LMS Whitehead Prizes!

David BateLink opens in a new window for his deep and fundamental contributions to the development of Geometric Measure Theory in the metric setting, including the characterisations of rectifiability in terms of projections and in terms of tangent planes.

Marie-Therese WolframLink opens in a new window for her groundbreaking contributions to applied partial differential equations, mathematical modelling in socio-economic applications and the life sciences, and numerical analysis of partial differential equations.

See all the 2023 LMS prize winners hereLink opens in a new window


Practical Information

  • How to find the Institute
  • Information for visitors