Darragh Glynn
I am a third-year PhD student interested in geometry and complex dynamics, and in particular Thurston maps, Hurwitz spaces and tropical geometry. My supervisor is Rohini Ramadas. I am an organiser for the Dynamics and Group Geometry Early Researchers (DAGGER) seminar at Warwick.
I did my undergraduate degree at Trinity College Dublin from 2017-21, with a year abroad at UCLA, and afterwards studied on the Part III Master's programme at the University of Cambridge.
- Boundary strata of Hurwitz spaces (in preparation)
- TBA, Junior Geometry Seminar, Imperial College London
- 29th Jan 2025, TBA, Dynamical Systems Seminar, The Open University
- 4th Dec 2024, Compactified Hurwitz spaces and dynamics, Dynamical Systems Seminar, University of Liverpool
- 13th Nov 2024, The combinatorics of rational maps, Postgraduate Seminar, University of Warwick
- 14th Jun 2024, Dynamical portraits of rational maps, Junior Geometry Seminar, University of Cambridge
- 19th Jun 2023, Hurwitz spaces and monodromy, Topics in Complex Dynamics, Universitat de Barcelona
- 5th Jul 2024, Hurwitz spaces and dynamics, LMS Invited Lectures, Imperial College London
- 17th Jun 2024, Hurwitz spaces and dynamics, GAeL XXXI, Torino
- 30th May 2024, Boundary strata of Hurwitz spaces, Parameter spaces in complex dynamics, Pisa
Upcoming Travel
- Dec 2024, UKAG Network Winter School, Lancaster University
- Jan 2025, Arithmetic, Algebraic and Analytic Dynamics, CIRM, Marseilles
- 2024-25: First-year undergraduate supervisor
- Summer 2024: Mentor for the Summer Research Programme for Undergraduates from Underrepresented Groups
- 2023-24: First-year undergraduate supervisor
darragh dot glynn at warwick dot ac dot uk