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Daniel Marlowe


Hi! I am a third year PhD student (he/him) in homotopy theory under the supervision of Prof Marco SchlichtingLink opens in a new window. My research interests lie mainly in motivic/ $\mathbb{A}^1$-homotopy and higher Grothendieck-Witt theory/ Hermitian $K$-theory.

I obtained a BA in Mathematics from Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, and later an MSc at the University of Nottingham. During the latter I wrote a dissertation on A. Merkurjev's elementary proof of the norm residue isomorphism (in degree 2) under the supervision of Prof Alexander VishikLink opens in a new window.

Teaching and seminars

Contributed talks


In preparation: Higher $K$-theory of forms III: from chain complexes to derived categories, joint w/ Marco Schlichting.


Please feel free to reach out via email at dan [dot] marlowe [at] warwick [dot] ac [dot] uk.

Dan Marlowe