MiR@W Day: Circadian and Sleep-Wake Cycle: Models and Data
23-24 April 2018
The motivation for this workshop is to bring together researchers with a view to creating new links between analysing available data sets (for instance from wearable devices, mobile phones etc) and mathematical modelling to address scientific questions of interest to research in rest-activity rhythm, sleep, chronobiology which all have important implications for health.
The meeting is an initiative of the Warwick chronotherapy group and is supported by the Medical Research Council (Grant reference: MR/M013170/1)
Organisers: Bärbel Finkenstädt (Statistics), Qi Huang (Statistics), David Rand (Mathematics, Systems Biology), Francis Lévi (Medical School), Robert Dallmann (Medical School), Annabelle Ballesta (Mathematics, Systems Biology).
------------------------------- Programme ----------------------------------------------
Monday 23 April
12:00 Registration and Lunch in Maths Common Room
13:00 Welcome
Session 1: Chair Francis Lévi
13:10 Derk-Jan Dijk (University of Surrey):
Circadian Rhythmicity and Sleep Homeostasis: Interactions Revisited
13:50 Anne Skeldon (University of Surrey):
Mathematical modelling of sleep/wake regulation: the interaction of light, sleep, circadian and social rhythms
14:30 Tea/coffee
Session 2: Chair Pasquale Innominato
14:50 Eva Winnebeck (LMU Munich):
Studying human sleep dynamics in real-life and large numbers
15:30 Tom Woelders (University of Groningen):
A modelling approach in estimating the circadian period of an individual
16:10 Tea/coffee
Session 3: Chair Robert Dallmann
16:30 Aarti Jagannath (Nuffield, Oxford):
Gene regulatory networks in circadian clock entrainment
17:10 Franco Cappucio (Warwick Medical School)
Sleep deprivation and chronic disease: a case study for causality in observational epidemiology
Drinks and Dinner for invited speakers
Tuesday 24 April
Session 4: Chair David Rand
9:30 Q Huang/B Finkenstadt (Statistics, Warwick):
Hidden Markov models for health monitoring in telemetric activity data
10:10 Daniel Forger (University of Michigan)
Using wearables and apps to study human circadian rhythms
10:50 Tea/coffee
Session 5: Chair Eva Winnebeck
11:10 Maarten de Voos ( Biomedical Engineering, Oxford)
Measuring sleep and circadian parameters in the field
11:50 Emma Laing (University of Surrey):
Identifying and validating blood transcriptome biomarkers for sleep and circadian health
12:30 Lunch
Session 6: chair Aati Jagannath
13:30 Annabelle Ballesta (INSERM, INRIA, Warwick Mathematics):
A multi-scale systems pharmacology approach for personalizing cancer chronotherapy
14:10 Pasquale Innominato (North Wales Cancer Centre, Warwick Medical School)
The relevance of circadian rhythms in patients with cancer
14:50 Good bye
See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
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University of Warwick
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