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MiR@W Day: Ergodicity

Ergodicity: Six Different Viewpoints

This online meeting is co-organised by MiR@W and Rebuilding Macroeconomics

18th May 2020

Organisers: Jean-Philippe Bouchaud (Paris), Roger Farmer (Economics), Robert MacKay, Ian Melbourne

The word "ergodicity" is used with apparently different meanings in different disciplines. The purpose of this meeting is to explore the connections between the ways people from various disciplines address the topic.

The workshop will be broadcast online and will run for two 90 minute sessions on Monday 18th May with six talks. The first session will be from 16:00 to 17:30 UK time. There will be a half hour break and a second session running from 18:00 to 19:30. Each session features three 20 minute talks followed by ten minutes of discussion.

The program is available here.

Confirmed speakers:

Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Physics, Paris
Juan Garrahan, Physics, Nottingham
Rosemary Harris, Mathematics, Queen Mary
Oliver Hulme, Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance and London Mathematical Laboratory
Anastasia Papavasiliou, Statistics, Warwick
Mark Pollicott, Mathematics, Warwick

To participate, please send an email to Richard Arnold saying you would like to register for the Ergodicity day on 18th May. In due course, he will send you a link for the event.

Aerial photograph of Maths Houses

See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
Past Events 
Past Symposia 

Internet Access at Warwick:
Where possible, visitors should obtain an EDUROAM account from their own university to enable internet access whilst at Warwick.
If you need WiFi whilst at Warwick, click here for instructions (upon arrival at Warwick)
You can register for any of the symposia or workshops online. To see which registrations are currently open and to submit a registration, please click hereLink opens in a new window.
Mathematics Research Centre
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK