Complexity in the Social Sciences
Monday 18 June 2012
Organisers: Celia Lury (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies), Stefan Grosskinsky
All talks will be in Room B3.02 Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building
For pdf of programme click here
There will be four contributed sessions on: What are the important questions for us related to Complexity?
Focusing on: What natural scientists would like to know from social scientists and vice versa.
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch in B1.01
13:00 - 13:40 Contributions from the Complexity DTC
Thomas House, Colm Connaughton, Matthew Turner
13:40 - 14:20 Contributions from Economics and Business School
Sayantan Ghosal, Graham Loomes, Chengwei Liu
14:20 - 15:00 Contributions from Sociology and Politics
Celia Lury, Emma Uprichard, Jan Scholte
15:00 - 15:30 tea break in the Mathmatics Common Room
15:30 - 16:10 Contributions from Psychology and medical school
Thomas Hills, Gordon Brown, Frances Griffiths
16:10 - 17:30 Summary and Discussion
- Summary of contributed sessions (Celia Lury, Stefan Grosskinsky)
- Robert MacKay: short contribution on the use of metaphors in science
- Discussion of plans for a shared DTC module
17:30 Snacks and drinks in the Complexity Common Room
MIRaW Programme Secretary
Mathematics Institute
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
E-mail: MRC at warwick dot ac dot uk