Oxford-Warwick-Edinburgh Network Science
15 February 2021
Organisers: Robert MacKay, Peter Grindrod (Oxford), Des Higham (Edinburgh)
An afternoon workshop to highlight recent results in network science from groups in Oxford, Warwick and Edinburgh. It will run online, from 13.30 to 18.00.
Speakers: Mihai Cucuringu, Renaud Lambiotte, Alexandre Bovet, Vidit Nanda (Oxford); Xue Gong, Henry-Louis de Kergorlay (Edinburgh); Choudhry Shuaib, Marya Bazzi, Bazil Sansom (Warwick). Perspectives will be given by each of the organisers.
The event will be hosted on Zoom by ICMS, to whom we are most grateful.
All are welcome to attend. Please register here and you will be emailed a link on the day.
13.30 Welcome (MacKay and Ollie Quinn)
13.35-13.50 Vidit Nanda, Geometric anomaly detection in data
13.55-14.10 Choudhry Shuaib, Inferring a temporal network from a static aggregated picture and partially specified time labelling
14.15-14.30 Xue Gong, Mapping directed networks using the magnetic Laplacian
14.35-14.50 Renaud Lambiotte, Random thoughts on higher-order networks
14.55-15.10 Bazil Sansom, Trophic incoherence drives systemic risk in financial exposure networks
15.15-15.30 Mihai Cucuringu, Spectral methods for clustering signed and directed graphs, and constrained clustering
15.35-16.00 break with breakout rooms on topics like temporal networks, trophic analysis, hypernetworks
16.00-16.15 Henry-Louis de Kergorlay, Epidemic spreading on hypergraphs
16.20-16.35 Marya Bazzi, Mesoscale structure in networks
16.40-16.55 Alexandre Bovet, Investigating misinformation and extremism in online social networks
17.00-17.15 Peter Grindrod, perspectives
17.20-17.35 Des Higham, perspectives
17.40-17.55 Robert MacKay, perspectives
18.00 End