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Our CDT course

Unlike most CDTs, the Mathematics CDT is not dedicated to a specific area of mathematics. The programme provides a CDT framework for students who wish to pursue a PhD in any area of Mathematics.

The CDT includes a taught course component in the first year as students get to know the department, develop relationships with supervisors, and deepen their knowledge in areas of mathematics relevant to their research interests.

Following successful completion of the taught component, and the completion of an individual project, students upgrade from MPhil to PhD and the remaining time is focussed on the PhD project.

The CDT provides ongoing cohort activities throughout the four-year programme. Students participate in:

  • Postgraduate seminarsLink opens in a new window: providing students with an opportunity to present their ongoing research.
  • Group lunches: enabling students to interact in an informal setting and give informal presentations to stimulate discussion across the departments
  • Skills workshops: to discuss options, preparation of CVs, and application strategies for future employment.

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The first year is fairly structured with training. From the second year, the students daily activities are closer to those of researchers.

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The departments runs specialised PhD modules tailored to the incoming cohort but also of potential interest to students in later years.

First Year ProjectLink opens in a new window

To facilitate the transition to becoming a researcher, first year students work on a research project with their supervisor(s).

Supervision and SupportLink opens in a new window

A wide range of support measures are available to our CDT students.

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All funded CDT students are provided with a generous Research Training Support Grant (RTSG).

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Open Days provide an ideal opportunity to learn more about the Mathematics CDT.