CDT Supervision and Support
Within the Mathematics Institute we are dedicated to providing excellent all round support to our students.
Further support is offered by the university, such as the Doctoral CollegeLink opens in a new window, the Student UnionLink opens in a new window and Wellbeing Services.Link opens in a new window
More detail on various aspects can be found in the handbook for current studentsLink opens in a new window.
SupervisorLink opens in a new window
All students are allocated one or two supervisors. Their role is to guide the student and discuss the research and progress on a regular basis.
MentorLink opens in a new window
From Year 2 onwards students have a mentor who overseas their progress and can give academic and, if possible and appropriate, personal advice.
Progress Board
A student's progress will additionally be monitored by a PhD Progress Board. Its primary purpose is to help both the student and the supervisor work together so that an excellent PhD thesis is produced by the student in a timely fashion. It also serves to ensure that support mechanisms are working, and that satisfactory progress is being made through the studies. It will aim for making recommendations that are of mutual benefit for all concerned parties.
Staff Graduate Student Liaison CommitteeLink opens in a new window
This committee is a forum for PhD students and staff to discuss issues of studying and student support. It provides an avenue for graduate students to raise concerns, as well as a way for staff to receive feedback on proposed changes. It meets on a termly basis.
All postgraduate students are welcome.
The Student Union provides further information on student representation: opens in a new window
CDT Team
This dedicated professional team provides guidance in navigating the PhD journey and includes the
- Director of Graduate Studies Prof Bertram DüringLink opens in a new window
- Deputy Director of Graduate Studies Dr Björn StinnerLink opens in a new window
- CDT Administrator Rachel MasonLink opens in a new window
- Postgraduate Coordinator David WittLink opens in a new window
Family / Buddy SchemeLink opens in a new window
All incoming PhD students are offered the opportunity to be part of a Family / Buddy Scheme. The scheme serves to facilitate contact between incoming and present research students. Issues can be discussed in informal settings before approaching professional staff, particularly if there are problems with regards to
Warwick's dignity principlesLink opens in a new window