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Ryan Rego

Research Title:

Reliability and Validity of Diarrhoea Surveillance Methods in Urban Informal Settlements and Refugee Camps

About my research:

Diarrhoea is the second highest cause of under-five death in LMICs. A key component of diarrhoea abatement is the surveillance of diarrhoea. However, the reliability and validity of diarrhoea surveillance has recently been called into question. We aim to examine the reliability of current methods of diarrhoea measurement to detect disease through a systematic review and meta-analysis, and a primary empirical study in Mwanza, Tanzania. We also aim to assess the validity of diarrhoea measurement for its two most important functions at the population level (outbreak surveillance and WASH system evaluation), through a primary empirical study in the Cox's Bazar Refugee Camp.

Supervisors: Professor Richard Lilford, Professor Paramjit Gill, Dr Sam Watson,
