Research Culture
Why is a positive and thriving research culture important to WMS?
High-quality research is dependent upon a thriving and positive research culture. Consultation with the WMS community has informed a values-driven understanding of the importance of research culture at WMS, in which our people, our community and our research is valued.
Together, we have developed an Enhancing Research Culture Roadmap which will chart the course for our ongoing cultural development, aiming to:
- Provide a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all
- Nurture creativity and connectivity
- Recognise and reward diverse contributions to research
- Inspire colleagues to do their best work, to embrace best practice, and improve the quality and reach of research
- Support colleagues in feeling fulfilled by the work that they do … and to enjoy the journey!
Find out more about the three core values and associated activities here:
Discover more about how we developed our strategy below.
Get in touch
If you have any ideas on how we can improve the Research Culture please do get in touch.
Professor Kirstie Haywood
Leading on the creation of WMS's Research Culture strategy and exploring opportunities for greater collaboration.
Adele Kenny
WMS's first Research Culture Officer, working closely with Professor Kirstie Heywood to explore what Research Culture means to our staff and students
Developing our Strategy
By actively engaging with all staff and students we sought to better understand people’s experience of WMS’s research culture and their ideas for change. This informed the creation of the ‘WMS Research Culture Roadmap’ which will help to chart the course for our ongoing Research Culture development.
Research Culture Community
Enhancing WMS’s Research Culture through Co-Production and Active Community Engagement
News | Events
Research Culture News
The Doctoral College have committed as part of their PGR strategy focus on supervisor training and support to establish some peer-led community of practice groups.
They have launched two groups:
- Disability, Mental Health, and Wellbeing. Open to all current and prospective supervisors - led by Professor Domenico Giacco. Date for first meeting to be announced soon. Please express interest here.
- Supervising in Supervisory Teams. Open to all supervisors currently or soon to be working as part of a supervisory team - led by Professor Jenny Burns. To include issues and best practice arising from co-supervision, both within Warwick and with external co-supervisors in other academic and non-academic institutions in the UK and abroad. Date for first meeting to be announced soon. Please express your interest here.
Forthcoming Events
People Priorities event - 1-3pm Thursday 13th June, GLT3. Please register here.
The creation of the WMS Research Culture webpages has been made possible thanks to Research England's Enhancing Research Culture Fund.