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Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Process Conference

Pedagogy and Process Conference

30th June


Scarman Conference Centre

Join us

We are delighted to announce that will be hosting an Anti-Racism Pedagogy and Processes Conference on 30th June from 9.30am to 4pm at Scarman Conference Centre at the University of Warwick. We invite you to join us for this important event; lunch will be provided as well as tea and coffee throughout the day.

The conference will cover a range of topics, including:

  • What would a decolonised university look like?
  • Microagressions at the University of Warwick
  • Anti-Racism and Inclusive Teaching Practices

Who Should Attend?

The conference will be a platform for educators, researchers, professional services and activists to come together and share their knowledge, experiences, and strategies to address racism in educational settings.

Why Attend?

The conference will provide a forum for critical discussions, workshops, and presentations that will challenge and inspire us to advance anti-racist processes in our communities.

We are excited to announce our two key-note speakers below -

Prof. Kalwant Bhopal

Professor of Education and Social Justice and Director of Research on Race and Education at the University of Birmingham.

"Black and Minority Ethnic experiences in higher education: social justice, inclusion and white privilege"

This lecture will examine how Black and minority ethnic staff and students remain marginalised in higher education. It will provide statistical data on the inequalities experienced by staff and students, followed by empirical research on Black and minority ethnic academics in UK and US higher education. By drawing on empirical research, the lecture will also explore how processes of whiteness and white privilege work to perpetuate the white space of higher education. The lecture will conclude by examining possible ways forward for higher education to engage with a socially just agenda for the inclusion of all groups.

Dr Gurnam Singh

Hon Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick.

"A deep dive into diversity, complexity and (de)coloniality’ – towards a wisdom-based pedagogy"

Most mission statements of large complex corporations and organisations, including universities are infused with references to diversity and inclusion. Some even highlight commitments to decolonisation. However, though these ideas are indeed important, they are often misunderstood or associated with surface level change and of secondary level importance. This presentation will argue that, fully understood, both diversity and decoloniality can become powerful ideas for both transforming the university into a socially just, dynamic, and competitive institution, whilst an inability to do so could be disastrous. In advocating an approach that embraces deep diversity and decoloniality, this presentation will explore what this means for pedagogical practices. In doing so, a case will be made moving away from knowledge to wisdom centred pedagogy.


09:30 - 10:00 - Registration and Coffee

10:00 - 10:15 - Introductions from Prof. Olanrewaju Sorinola & Poonam Pedley

10:15 - 11:15 - Prof. Kalwant Bhopal with Q&A

11:15 - 12:00 - Panel Discussion *

12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch and Networking

13:00 - 13:45 - Dr Gurnam Singh with Q&A

13:55 - 14:40 - Breakout 1 **

14:40 - 14:55 - Coffee

14:55 - 15:25 - Breakout 2 ***

15:35 - 15:55 - Group Feedback and Discussion

16:00 - Wrap-Up

We intend for the conference to be interactive, stimulating, and engaging. We invite active participation and there will be plenty of opportunities  for networking and discussion.

We hope you will gain a lot from the day's activities.

* Panel Discussion Theme: "Reflective Discourse on Racist Experiences and Impact"

** Breakout 1:

  • Challenging Racism facilitated by WMS staff
  • Professional Services and Anti-Racism
  • Student Case Studies (Decolonising the Social Science Workbook and TBC)

*** Breakout 2:

"Decolonising the Wider University Experience, Not Just the Curriculum"