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Pandemic Pandemonium

We've got a new Pandemic Pandemonium page. Head here for all the fun.

Pandemic Pandemonium abstract image

Welcome to Pandemic Pandemonium!

If you thought that there wasn't going to be a 'staff vs students' quiz this year, you were only half wrong. Lesley Roberts has been working tirelessly to come up with a way to get everyone involved in a competition of sorts, even if it had to be remotely.

'Pandemic Pandemonium' is going to be a year long competition in which staff and students will be able to compete in a range of exciting rounds.

Teams of four are invited to sign-up for this epic event and teams can be co-located or working together only via online means. It’s for you to manage your projects and produce your work in whatever way works for you. Missing friends or colleagues from other parts of the school – why not set up a team and have the perfect excuse to ‘meet-up’.

Our usual £400 prize will be available for the winning team, with an additional £200 prize for the runners up this year.

Six tasks will be revealed to teams over the November to May period – for example creating a self portrait out of only dried kitchen goods (note that is not a round we will be using – but don’t let us stop you!)

After entries are submitted we will upload entries for the ‘public vote’, with one or more teams eliminated each month so that only four teams enter the grand final round.

Can you go the distance and become our only ever (hopefully) Pandemic Pandemonium winner?

Meet the teams!

Registration has now closed... competitors, are you READY!?

Meet the Pandemic Pandemoniumers here!

Round 1

Lockdown Landmarks

Using materials commonly found in the kitchen create your own model of any global landmark.

Round 1 results are in! Check out the
results here.

Round 2

Lockdown Christmas

Our teams were tasked with dressing at least two members of their team for a stay at home festive fancy dress party.

Round 2 results are in! Check out the
results here.

Challenges will be revealed as the competition progresses and information about voting will be added to this page. If you have any questions, please contact