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Academic Primary Care contribution to UK Commission on Bereavement Report
A summary reportLink opens in a new window from the UK Commission on Bereavement (UKCB)Link opens in a new window was released earlier this week. Researchers in the UAPC were awarded a small grant from Marie Curie to provide a secondary analysis of the qualitative survey responses to contribute the commission report findings and recommendations.
The UKCB was set up to investigate and better understand the experiences of bereaved people and families, and how support and availability of support can be improved for them. This has become necessary due to the increase in number of people bereaved during the pandemic and the subsequent increased demand for bereavement support services. The UKCB was led by researchers and policy managers at Marie Curie but involved multiple charities, external researchers, and a PPIE advisory group with lived experience.
The report focuses on key challenges for both adults and children when experiencing a bereavement including practical death administration, communication with family and friends, and access to formal bereavement services. The report includes key recommendations for changes in policy and practice about how support for bereaved people could be improved, both now and in the long term.