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New sleep apnoea diagnostic device could slash waiting times and improve quality of life

A new diagnostic device could help those who experience sleep apnoea get a quicker diagnosis and an improved quality of life, thanks to a trial being led by Warwick Medical School researchers.

Thu 04 Jan 2024, 10:35 | Tags: news HealthSciences

Life-changing technology will be rolled out to people with type 1 diabetes

Thousands of people with type 1 diabetes could be offered wearable technology to help them manage their condition thanks to guidance based on research conducted by WMS.

Wed 20 Dec 2023, 09:56 | Tags: news HealthSciences Warwick Evidence

“Unclear” whether opioids are effective at treating cancer pain

The world’s largest review on opioid medicines for cancer pain, which included WMS researchers, has found it is unclear whether some commonly used opioid medicines are better than a placebo and suggests that non-opioid medicines, including aspirin, may be as effective as opioids.

Wed 20 Dec 2023, 09:50 | Tags: news

Mammography can be reduced for some breast cancer survivors, finds WMS study

Mammography for some breast cancer survivors could be reduced, according to research led by Warwick Medical School’s Clinical Trials Unit.

Thu 14 Dec 2023, 15:27 | Tags: news

WMS wins Innovation of the Year award

A team at Warwick Medical School’s Clinical Trials Unit have won a prestigious award at the Clinical Research Network Awards, alongside colleagues from the West Midlands Ambulance Service.

Thu 14 Dec 2023, 12:37 | Tags: news

Dr Meera Unnikrishnan awarded over £2 million for research into C. difficile infection

Associate Professor Meera Unnikrishnan from the Division of Biomedical Sciences has been awarded a Wellcome Discovery Award from the Wellcome Trust to the value of £2,225,509. Her project, ‘Dissecting Clostridioides difficile-host-commensal interactions at the gut interface’, will take place over eight years.

Wed 06 Dec 2023, 11:54 | Tags: news BMS

Prof Ponnusamy Saravanan appointed editor-in-chief of Clinical Medicine

Congratulations to Professor Ponnusamy Saravanan, who has been appointed as the next editor-in-chief of the Royal College of Physicians' oldest journal, Clinical Medicine.

Mon 04 Dec 2023, 14:42 | Tags: news

Translational control of furina by an RNA regulon is important for left-right patterning, heart morphogenesis and cardiac valve function

Work by recent WMS PhD graduate Agnieszka Nagorska and PDRA Andreas Zaucker shows that translational control of an enzyme, FurinA, is important for normal positioning of the heart, and for cardiac valve function. FurinA cleaves the growth factor signal and morphogen, Nodal. Mutant zebrafish embryos with mis-regulated furina show premature and increased levels of FurinA, ectopic Nodal signalling, and defects in heart positioning and valve development. This is similar to human patients with mitral valve regurgitation. The findings pave the way for potential diagnostic tests for patients with heart valve dysfunctions. The work was supported by grants from the Leverhulme Trust, UKRI-BBSRC, MLSRF, and doctoral studentships from Warwick Medical School, MRC DTP, and Warwick-ARAP.
Read the paper hereLink opens in a new window.

Fri 01 Dec 2023, 17:01 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

Genome wide analysis revealed conserved domains involved in the effector discrimination of bacterial type VI secretion system

Gram negative bacterial pathogens use so called Type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) to deliver virulence effectors into target cells (either animal cells or other bacteria). Besides structural and effector proteins, many other proteins, such as adaptors, co-effectors and accessory proteins, are involved in this process. MIX domains can assist in the delivery of T6SS effectors when encoded as a stand-alone gene or fused at the N-terminal of the effector. However, whether there are other conserved domains exhibiting similar encoding forms to MIX in T6SS remains obscure.

In this work, we scanned publicly available bacterial genomes and established a database which include 130,825 T6SS vgrG loci from 45,041 bacterial genomes. Based on this, we revealed six domain families encoded within vgrG loci, which are either fused at the C-terminus of VgrG/N-terminus of T6SS toxin or encoded by an independent gene. Among them, DUF2345 was further validated and shown to be indispensable for the T6SS effector delivery and LysM was confirmed to assist the interaction between VgrG and the corresponding effector. Together, our results implied that these widely distributed domain families with similar genetic configurations may be required for the T6SS effector recruitment process.

Read the paper here.

Thu 30 Nov 2023, 08:44 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

New Clinical Education Hub opens its doors to students for the first time

Warwick Medical School’s brand-new £4.2m Clinical Education Hub has opened its doors for the first time to students, offering state-of-the-art, purpose-built spaces for Clinical Anatomy and Clinical Skills.

Mon 27 Nov 2023, 10:15 | Tags: news

WMS commits to trialling sexual violence training for medical students

Warwick Medical School have committed to the addition of specialist training on sexual violence awareness and communication skills for their second-year medical students in the 2023/24 academic year.

Mon 27 Nov 2023, 10:09 | Tags: news

History Repeats Itself: The Relevance of Historical Pandemics to the Medical School Curriculum

The dramatic global impact of the coronavirus pandemic has increased consideration on epidemiological progressions of pandemics. Measures implemented to reduce viral transmission have been largely historical, comparable in nature with the 1918 and 2009 influenza pandemics, demonstrating the importance of clinicians’ awareness on historical pandemics.

Read the paper here.

Fri 24 Nov 2023, 16:10 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

Celebrating our highly cited researchers at WMS

Out of the five Warwick academics named in the 2023 Highly Cited Researcher list, we are delighted that three work at Warwick Medical School. Congratulations to Prof Sophie Staniszewska, Prof Jerry Nolan and Prof Dieter Wolke (joint appointment with the Department of Psychology).

Wed 15 Nov 2023, 15:52 | Tags: news

New study shows older and frail patients wait longer for emergency hospital care than younger patients

A new study by Warwick Medical School working with the Society for Acute Medicine has found that younger patients with simpler problems are waiting less time for assessments than frail patients with complex care needs.

Wed 01 Nov 2023, 13:07 | Tags: news

Assay_ready Cryopreserved Hepatocytes for Toxicity Testing

Liver hepatocytes are the front-line cells for screening new compounds for toxicity. However, hepatocytes are stored frozen in vials, not in monolayers meaning they need substantial processing to be ‘usable’ especially for high throughput screening. To solve this the Gibson and Dallman groups have collaborated, so show that immortalised and primary hepatocytes can be cryopreserved whilst attached to 96 well microplates. These can then be taken from the freezer, and simple thawed and are ready to use in under 24 hours. Post-thaw the cells show equal performance to fresh. This was achieved by careful consideration of the molecular mechanism damage during freezing, with the team using patent-pending controlled ice nucleation technology, rather than a traditional re-formulation of cryoprotectants approach. This work was in collaboration with Cryologyx, a University of Warwick Spin out, which has commercialised aspects of this technology.  
Read the paper hereLink opens in a new window.

Thu 26 Oct 2023, 12:57 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

Passive diffusion accounts for the majority of intracellular nanovesicle transport

Trafficking of proteins, lipids, and other molecules between cellular compartments is carried out by vesicular carriers. Material destined for transfer is packaged into a small trafficking vesicle at the donor compartment; the vesicle must then travel to its destination, before fusing with the target compartment to deliver the material.

Read the paper hereLink opens in a new window.

Thu 26 Oct 2023, 12:56 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

A Gourd day for a pumpkin: the health benefits of this over-looked veg

Pumpkins make their appearance every Halloween, swiftly disappearing for the next year, but scientists believe we are over-looking their health benefits. Researchers at WMS are keen to share the positive impact pumpkins can have on our health and wellbeing – which range from aiding weight loss, improving skin and even reducing risk of cancer.

Thu 26 Oct 2023, 11:10 | Tags: news

MB ChB Student Success

The latest release of UK Foundation Programme Office data from 2021 reveals that our MB ChB finalists performed very strongly in their applications to the Foundation Programme, with 98.59% being allocated to one of their top 5 choices. This was the second highest rate in the UK.

Thu 14 Sep 2023, 11:06 | Tags: news

Light up your life

Last month, the Met Office reported that July was the UK’s sixth wettest on record, and unsurprisingly the UK had 19% fewer hours of sunshine than average over the month, with 140.3 hours in total.

Researchers at Warwick Medical School say that light is the most important environmental cue for synchronising our biological clock and regulating sleep, which if interrupted can have a detrimental effect on our mood and wellbeing.

Read the full news piece

Mon 21 Aug 2023, 13:46 | Tags: news HealthSciences Research

Congratulations - Class of 2023

Our 2023 Summer Graduation took place on Thursday 20 July, celebrating the fantastic achievements of our very first cohort of undergraduate BSc Health & Medical Sciences students, our MB ChB, Master's and PhD students.

Find out more.

Wed 16 Aug 2023, 15:04 | Tags: news HealthSciences BMS Graduation

Olive oil and fresh, sun-ripened plant-based foods: the Mediterranean Diet as a winning combination for health

Dr Thomas Barber says that to promote better health within Western societies, it's essential to reshape our food culture. This means moving away from unhealthy, ultra-processed, sugar-laden, and fibre-depleted foods and gravitating towards wholesome, fibre-rich, plant-based foods reminiscent of the Mediterranean diet.

Read the press release here.

Wed 09 Aug 2023, 08:24 | Tags: news BMS BMS_newpub

Pre-T cell receptor localization and trafficking are independent of its signaling

Dr John James' lab have used a cellular reconstitution of preTCR function to investigate the trafficking dynamics of this developmentally important immune receptor, work which has just been published in the Journal of Cell Biology.

Expression of the pre-T cell receptor (preTCR) is an important checkpoint during the development of T cells, an essential cell type of our adaptive immune system. The preTCR complex is only transiently expressed and rapidly internalized in developing T cells and is thought to signal in a ligand-independent manner. However, identifying a mechanistic basis for these unique features of the preTCR compared with the final TCR complex has been confounded by the concomitant signaling that is normally present. Thus, we have reconstituted preTCR expression in non-immune cells to uncouple receptor trafficking dynamics from its associated signaling. We find that all the defining features of the preTCR are intrinsic properties of the receptor itself, driven by exposure of an extracellular hydrophobic region, and are not the consequence of receptor activation. Finally, we show that transitory preTCR cell surface expression can sustain tonic signaling in the absence of ligand binding, suggesting how the preTCR can nonetheless drive αβTCR lineage commitment.

Read the paper here.

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 10:36 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

Simple amino acids improve t-cell cryopreservation

Advanced cell-based therapies are often delivered to the patient frozen. Hence, any technology which increases the number of recovered, viable, cells post-thaw may improve clinical outcomes or allow more treatments per donation. The GibsonGroup have previously shown strategies to protect cells during freezing. In this latest work, in collaboration with Cytiva, the team show that incubating a model t-cell line with proline before cryopreservation leads to increased post-thaw cell yields. All proline is removed before cryopreservation so the actual freezing and thawing processes are unchanged. It was shown that proline limits cell proliferation, which might be contributing to its mode of action similar to ‘metabolic pre-conditioning’ which has been shown before.

Read the paper here.

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 10:33 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

“Perfect" Glycosylated Materials

Glycans (sugars) dictate cell-cell communication, are sites for pathogen invasion and are a key part of our immune systems. Current synthetic platforms to display glycans to investigate their biology almost always are imperfect, with heterogeneity in terms of number of glycans and the synthesis is not reproducible batch to batch. The Gibson and Ward (chemistry) groups have collaborated on a Leverhulme-Trust funded project to create ‘programmable’ glyco-clusters - before entering the lab, this method enables a research to know exactly how many glycans and their 3-D location are present on a material, and gives zero heterogeneity. This is achieved using metal co-ordination cages - 3D structures formed by spontaneous self-assembly. The team used these with model glycan-binding proteins to identify key interactions which would not be possible with traditional materials. The team are now using this to interrogate a range of targets including toxins, for diagnostics.

Read the paper here.

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 10:31 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

High-throughput super-resolution analysis of influenza virus pleomorphism reveals insights into viral spatial organization

Andrew McMahon and others from the Robb lab have used super-resolution imaging to study the structure of the influenza virus, work which has just been published in PLOS Pathogens.
Influenza virus particles are highly pleomorphic, ranging in size from spherical virions ~ 100 nm in diameter to filaments of a similar width but reaching many micrometers in length. Virus structure is of interest not only in the context of virus assembly, but also because pleomorphic variations correlate with infectivity and pathogenicity. We used a super-resolution microscopy technique called dSTORM, which takes advantage of the blinking nature of fluorophores attached to viral proteins of interest to build up images of viral particles at <20nm resolution. Andrew then imaged thousands of virus particles and studied their shape and protein organization using high throughput analysis pipelines. We found that length analysis provided a useful way of characterizing virions and investigated the arrangement of viral proteins; demonstrating that no generalized spatial frequency patterning of HA or NA on the virion surface occurs, that the NA protein is polarized to the distal tip of budding filamentous virions, and that the RNA in filamentous virions is polarized towards one end of a filament. This study demonstrates the utility of fluorescence microscopy to study virus pleomorphism, and the importance of studying viral shape and organization to investigate their effect on infection dynamics.

Read the paper here.

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 10:29 | Tags: BMS BMS_newpub

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