WMS Men’s Football Club wins West Midlands Inter-University League
The WMS Men’s Football Club has won the West Midlands Inter-University League 2017.
The competition saw six university teams from across the region compete against eachother every week, including two from Warwick, two from Coventry and two from Birmingham.
The WMS team were crowned champions earlier in the year and have now received the coveted league trophy.
The club is made up of medical students from different years of the MB ChB course and plays every Wednesday evening from 9.00pm, meaning students working in clinical placements are able to participate as well.
Team member George Young said: “For me, one of the best things about getting involved in the team is the fact I can socialise with students from other years. It’s also great to have a stress release – it’s nice to do something completely different from medicine sometimes!"
Team captain Dan Green added: “I also think getting involved in activities outside of the course like this helps develop the skills we’ll need in our professional lives – you get to understand other people better and that will definitely help us become better doctors."
Professor Sudhesh Kumar, Dean of Medicine, and Professor Colin Macdougall, Head of Medical Education, met with the team to congratulate them and find out more about the league.
Professor Macdougall said: “I was delighted to hear about the success of the WMS medics football team and to be able to congratulate them directly. Medicine is an intensive course, especially when studied over only four years and it often amazes me how many of our students get involved in significant external activities, including sporting, community, charitable and academic. Well done all and best of luck for the new season!”
Find out about all the spots clubs and societies open to WMS MB ChB students on the MedSoc website.