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Recent Developments in the Patho-Physiological Molecular Clocks Lab

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European College of Neuropsychopharmacology poster presentation by Soraia

Soraia and poster Soraia presenting her BSN-funded work from her time in our lab at Warwick at the 21.09.2024 - 24.09.2024 37th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP). Great collaboration with Ana Fortuna and Joana Bicker at University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Wed 25 Sep 2024, 20:13 | Tags: Chronotherapy, Conference, PhD, 2024

Time for your medicine: unlocking the power of our body clocks

Great article in The Observer by Amelia Tait with some comments from chronobiologists from around the UK and including Robert.

Sun 16 Oct 2022, 20:04 | Tags: 2022, Chronotherapy, News

International Symposium on "Chronomedicine : Relevance in COVID Times“

Robert was invite to speak about the "Role of circadian clocks in chronic diseases and pharmacotherapy" at a meeting organised by the Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, India under the aegis of the Indian Society of Chronomedicine & Association of Physiologists of India.

Video recording of the whole meeting available on Youtube.

Sun 19 Sep 2021, 10:37 | Tags: 2021, Chronotherapy, Video, Conference

Chronotherapy: Counting down cancer

Medical News Today spoke with Robert for their “what’s exciting the experts” series. Asked what recent advances have given them the most hope and is most exciting, the obvious answer is Chronotherapy.

Mon 07 Jun 2021, 21:17 | Tags: 2021, Chronotherapy, News, Outreach

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