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Recent Developments in the Patho-Physiological Molecular Clocks Lab

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Congratualtions Dr Lauren Garbutt!

Lauren (with doctoral hat!) passed her viva on 16 June,

Lauren Viva

Many thanks also to her examiners Dr Alun Hughes and Prof Kevin Moffat for taking the time and joining us in person.

Sat 18 Jun 2022, 14:57 | Tags: LabLife, 2022, PhD

Welcome Rafael! Eutopia SIF post-doc

Rafael Marchi

We are looking forward to have Dr Rafael Marchi start his 2-year Eutopia Science and Innovation Fellowship in Warwick (Sadler and Dallmann) and Ljubljana (Torel) labs later this year. His project will focus on the use of innovative new organometallic complexes in medicine.

Congratulations Rafael!

Fri 06 May 2022, 16:34 | Tags: Award, 2022, Eutopia

CCC - Clock Club Community

Based on an initiative by former Warwick academic Prof Andrew Millar (Edinburgh) at the UK Clock Club in Oxford we are trying to further develop the circadian community in the UK. Have your say here:

Thu 05 May 2022, 09:56 | Tags: 2022, Circadian, Community

New students in the lab!

We welcome back Rachael Ralph (MRC DTP mini project student) who will work on a collaborative project with Sam Dean on Trypanosoma brucei.

Furthermore, we welcome Luke Reynoldson (MIBTP mini project) has joined us to ask questions about the fitness of cells with clock gene disruptions.

Wed 13 Apr 2022, 17:40 | Tags: MIBTP, MRCDTP

We won a 6-months loan of an nCounter Sprint

Mon 11 Apr 2022, 22:57 | Tags: Award, 2022

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