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Recent Developments in the Patho-Physiological Molecular Clocks Lab

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Best poster pitch and best poster winners at Fall UK Clock Club 2021 in York

Ewan Stephenson (ARAP PhD student) and Ben Roberts (MRCDTP PhD student), two true sons of "The North", stepped it up a notch at 2021 in person (!) UK Clock Club in York and were voted fantastic Best Poster Pitch and Best Poster winners. Congratulations to both!

Ben and Ewan with Prizes

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 12:55 | Tags: Award, 2021, Student, Conference, MRCDTP, ARAP

BSN project award for Lauren to further characterise a novel tissue-specific bioluminescence reporter model

We are thankful to the British Society for Neuroendocrinology for supporting Lauren's work to characterise a novel circadian reporter model and develop new strategies for recording tissue level bioluminescence data from freely behaving animals.

Fri 02 Oct 2020, 18:00 | Tags: Award, Circadian, 2020

Warwick-Wellcome Translational Project Funding

Together with Seb Perrier (Chemistry/WMS), Alexia Hapeshi (WMS/Chemistry) and Meera Unnikrishnan (WMS), we have received pump priming funding to develop novel materials to develop antituberculosis (TB) treatments.

Thu 24 Sep 2020, 15:35 | Tags: Award, 2020

Warwick at Chrono and Sleep Summer School in Oxford

Laura and Ewan have been selected to take part in the prestigous Oxford Summer School on Sleep and Circadian Clocks to learn all out our Rhythms and Homeostats.

Fri 31 Aug 2018, 16:57 | Tags: Award, Sleep, Circadian, 2018, Student

Kristin Abraham wins Blue Sky Award

Congratulations to Kristin for winning the prize for best presentation at the 2018 Warwick Medical School Post-Graduate Research Student Symposium. She presented part of her PhD project work on chronotherapy with a potential new osmium chemotherapeutic.


Thu 07 Jun 2018, 13:16 | Tags: Award, 2018, Student

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