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Developing effective, scalable psychological interventions for eating disorders

Developing effective, scalable psychological interventions for eating disorders: Challenges and evidence

Professor Glenn Waller

Glenn Waller is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield. Glenn’s primary interests lie in the following areas: Cognitive content and processes that underlie and maintain the eating disorders. The treatment of the eating disorders, with a particular focus on cognitive-behavioural approaches. The translation of evidence-based approaches into real-life clinical settings, and the clinician variables that enhance or impede that process.


"Developing effective, scalable psychological interventions for eating disorders: Challenges and evidence"

Eating disorders present multiple challenges in terms of risk and the need for more effective treatment strategies. While there has been substantial progress in the field in recent years, the increasing number of referrals and the practical demands of the interventions mean that waiting lists and risk remain high. This seminar will explore ways in which novel evidence-based treatment approaches have allowed more people to be treated effectively, delivering both research and real-world impact. It will then address ways in which such evidence-based treatments can be made available at scale within the health service and other settings, through evidence-based training and supervision. Finally, it will consider how clinician and service-based reluctance can be understood and overcome.

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Event Details

Tuesday, 2 May 2023


Room A042 and Via Teams

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