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Lack of sleep may raise women's blood pressure

Women who regularly get fewer than seven hours of sleep a night may have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure, a new study suggests.
Fri 26 Oct 2007, 16:06


How much do we actually need? The study, carried out by researchers from the University of Warwick and University College London, examined the sleeping habits of more than 10,000 white collar civil servants. Information about the study from the University of Warwick......
Wed 03 Oct 2007, 16:31

Bad sleeping doubles heart risk

Researchers say both too much and too little sleep is linked to a doubled risk of fatal cardiovascular disease. They found a doubled risk among those who cut their sleeping from seven to five hours a night compared to those who stuck to seven hours a night.
Tue 25 Sep 2007, 14:20

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