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Cholesterol Busting Statins Also Reduce Blood Pressure

Science Daily — A new study led by researchers at Warwick Medical School at the University of Warwick reveals that patients using cholesterol busting statins get a bonus benefit from such drugs as the Warwick researchers have now found that statins also have a positive effect on blood pressure levels.
Tue 03 Apr 2007, 11:37

Child obesity in sleep loss link

BBC logo A lack of sleep may be partly to be blame for childhood obesity, a leading UK expert claims. Dr Shahrad Taheri and his team at Bristol University say sleep deprivation leads to hormonal changes.

They say these changes tell the body to eat sugary or starchy food to provide an energy boost. Over a prolonged period this leads to weight gain.
Thu 19 Oct 2006, 09:39

Launch of World Action on Salt and Health

Medical experts launch global campaign against salt to prevent over 2.5 million deaths worldwide each year

194 medical experts from 48 countries around the world (1) have today joined together to launch a new global organisation, WASH – World Action on Salt and Health (– in a concerted effort to reduce dietary salt intake to less than 5g per day per adult (the WHO target), in order to lower blood pressure globally.
Wed 04 Oct 2006, 16:20

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