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Sleep deprivation doubles risks of obesity in both children and adults

August 2nd, 2006

Research by Warwick Medical School at the University of Warwick has found that sleep deprivation is associated with an almost a two-fold increased risk of being obese for both children and adults.
Wed 06 Sep 2006, 13:24

Absence of sleep weighs heavy (Manglende skjønnhetssøvn tynger)

Personer som sover lite, kan doble risikoen for å bli overvektige, ifølge ny studie.

Igjen legges forskningsresultater på bordet som peker mot at for lite nattesøvn kan gjøre deg fetere. Denne gangen skjer det i en studie ledet av professor Francesco Cappuccio ved University of Warwick i England.
Wed 06 Sep 2006, 13:06

Lack of sleep associated with obesity in both children and adults

Research by Warwick Medical School at the University of Warwick has found that sleep deprivation is associated with an almost a two-fold increased risk of being obese for both children and adults
Wed 19 Jul 2006, 09:01

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